June 1, 2011

Fixing Your House Before Selling It

By: Adriana N.

Once you have decided to sell your property, you have to make it desirable. In this economic climate, curb appeal is important. With so much property for sale, it is important that you make your home stand out from the crowd. You need to start fixing your house before selling it.

The first thing is to ensure that the property does not have any gaping flaws. Things such as a leaking roof or broken windows need to be fixed. If a potential buyer sees something like this, you will probably lose them at the starting line. Make sure all plumbing is sound and all electrical wiring is safe. The place has to pass a property inspection and things like this come up howling red flags to potential buyers.

This does not mean that an expensive new roof needs to be put on, or all the windows replaced. Simply fix what is broken. Let the new owner of the property worry about whether they want to just keep repairing things, or if they want a state of the art renovation.

Once things have been made sound, the next thing is to get them clean. No prospective buyer is going to be impressed with a place that looks grimy. This is not to say you have to replace everything, but ensure things are clean. A good impression will go a long way.

Start with the carpets. Get them professionally cleaned if you need to do so. If they are too far gone, replace them with something inexpensive. It doesn't have to be state of the art but it does have to look good. Treat tile or linoleum floors the same way. If there are stains or scratches on wood floors, put down a throw rug to cover them.

Move onto the walls. Wash them if possible. If they are too far gone for that, get some neutral colored paint. It might be an idea to consider neutral colored paint anyway, if you favor unusual decorating tastes. The popular decorating periodicals all favor neutral colors to give the prospective purchaser more of a canvas for their own ideas.

Pay attention to fittings, too. Dirty bathtubs, and stained sinks can also put people off. Ensure everything has had as good a clean as you can give it. Wash curtains and windows, too. Replace broken blinds or dingy shades. Remember the neutral color rule, and if the curtains are garish, change them. This applies for the family's tastes in furniture and other items too. If the couch is garish, toss an inexpensive throw over it.

Remember to take some time in the yard. Keep the grass mowed, toys picked up if you have children. Curb appeal is the most important thing to consider when fixing your house before selling it.

And on the date when the house is shown, the smell of fresh baked brownies might not go amiss. Cultivate as favorable impression as is possible, and be a bit patient. The hard work just done will soon give way to a good sale.