November 24, 2009

Remodeling Your Bathroom For Your Health

By: Dave Robert

You might be cleaning your bathroom on a regular basis, scrubbing the bathroom tiles and the toilet bowl, as well as wiping down the shower and changing the towels regularly, but are you doing enough? The motivation for contemporary bathroom might not be about creating a modern style, but rather making sure that your bathroom is clean and healthy to use. In order to keep you and your family safe, here are some bathroom remodeling tips you need to use.

What is lurking in your bathroom?

One of the biggest problems in the bathroom is bacteria and this makes sense given the fact that you use the bathroom for germ filled activities, using the toilet and cleaning off your body. However, these bacteria do not normally cause problems for healthy adults when you clean regularly. If you have someone in your home that might be more sensitive to these kinds of germs, you can start a contemporary bathroom remodeling project that includes surfaces that are easier to clean, i.e. flat surfaces and metals, so that germs cannot congregate. Black mold can be much trickier to find, residing in the walls and underneath bathroom tiles, so there is more work to be done for that kind of grime.

Battling mold with a remodel

When you suspect that you have mold in your bathroom, the first thing you will want to do is call in someone to test your speculation. A mold testing professional will come out to your house to see just how many spores are in your bathroom and whether or not you need to hire someone to remove the mold or you can remove it yourself. If you are able to remove it yourself, you will want to get rid of all of the items that are infested with the mold, fixtures, wall pieces, cabinets, bathroom tiles, etc. This will get your bathroom off to a clean start. If you cannot remove a particular item, you can clean it down with a bleach solution or as recommended by the tester or other professional. In this remodel, you will also want to install a high quality bathroom fan that will keep the air from being moist and allowing mold to grow in these conditions.

Other tips for remodeling for health

Those with allergies will need certain help from your contemporary bathroom remodeling project. Those with allergies to dust and mold will need the bathroom to be easy to clean. Surfaces need to be flat and smooth, without any cracks or crevices that might harbor dirt or allergens. If you currently have bathroom tiles, these will probably need to be removed and replaced with a flat tiling setup. Those with immune system problems will need surfaces to be made from anti-bacterial materials, which are expensive, but worth the additional costs. The biggest concern is simply the regular use of a good, high quality bathroom fan. This fan should be used during any showers or baths and then be run for at least thirty minutes after the bath has ended. The fan should be cleaned on a monthly basis, if not more regularly. You might also want to look into HEPA air filters for your bathroom, if severe allergies are an issue.

Your bathroom is always going to be a popular room in your house, but when you plan a contemporary bathroom remodeling project with health in mind, it will be the safest room in the house as well.

How to Avoid the Most Common Bathroom Remodeling Mistakes

By: Dave Robert

Whenever you’re making an investment of either time or money, you need to know what you’re getting into. While contemporary bathroom remodeling can seem like a simple task (as many home improvement shows and books might have you believe), there are a few things that you’ll want to keep in mind before you get started with your contemporary bathroom designs and ideas. And in doing so, you’ll start saving time and money before you even get started.

Mistake #1 – Don’t have an idea.

Contemporary bathroom remodeling has become increasingly complex with all of the choices that you have now. With constant innovations in design and technology, it has also become amazingly simple to make mistakes that might go unnoticed, that is, until disaster strikes. But you can avoid these kinds of situations by looking over various contemporary bathroom designs to get a sense of what you want and what might fit into the space that you have. When you take the time to plan out what you want and what you need to do to create the bathroom that you desire, you won’t run into common problems – space concerns, the wrong equipment, etc. You’ll know exactly what you need to do and what you need to buy.

Mistake #2 – Install everything yourself.

When it comes to contemporary bathroom remodeling, you might want to cut down on your spending by taking on the work yourself. However, if you’re interested in saving time and money, you may want to consider outside expertise. This is especially the case in contemporary bathroom designs that include complicated plumbing and piping. For those kinds of tasks, you will want to make sure that you are calling in professionals that are trained in the installation of your faucets and other water-related pieces. Calling in the pros helps you stay within your budget by getting it done the right way, the first time.

Mistake #3 – Go shopping without a plan.

Have you ever walked into a store without having any idea of what you want to buy? If you’re heading to the contemporary bathroom designs stores without any plan, you might be tempted to buy everything that they see. But this can create the feeling that you need to purchase certain items when you may not have to – again, wasting your time and your money. And even if you can go back and return the items that you accidentally purchased, it’s time that you could be spending doing work on your bathroom – getting the remodel done more quickly. Try to get a sense of what you might need from the store before you head out – why come back over and over when you don’t have to?

Mistake #4 – Buying what’s popular.

While you might want to follow the contemporary bathroom designs of the day, purchasing what’s ‘in vogue’ at the time can lead to problematic remodels. Keeping up with the ‘Joneses’ can cost you time and money. Some of the newer bathroom faucets and sinks will not work with some older home designs. If you’re trying to complete a simple remodel, you might find that adjusting your bathroom to accommodate these trends will results in more work and expense. It may be best to work with the style and the bathroom that you already have first.

The carpenter’s idea of ‘measure twice, cut once’ should be the guiding force to how you approach contemporary bathroom remodeling. Realize that while you might be remodeling a smaller room in your home, it’s not a small project. However, by knowing what to avoid, you can take the necessary steps to creating another beautiful room and save yourself time, money, and even a few headaches along the way.

If you’re looking for top notch bathroom accessories and remodeling ideas, go to Not only will you find low prices and plenty of ideas, you can start your bathroom remodel in the right direction by creating that all-important plan.

Home Inspections—The Trouble With Termites

By: David Haigh

What do teenagers and termites have in common? They’ll both eat you out of house and home. The difference is, termites do it literally by doing serious damage to wood structures.

Termites invite themselves into your home, but you may not know it. If they go unnoticed for a long time, they can cause tremendous damage. When your home inspector conducts his inspection, a home inspection engineer should thoroughly check for evidence of termites. Your mortgage lender may ask for a clear termite certificate.

If termites are discovered, an anti-termite chemical, or termiticide treatment, or a termite baiting system will be needed to get rid of them. A licensed professional engineer may then be necessary to design repair procedures for the damaged structures.

Though there are different types of termites, it’s the subterranean termites that make their home in the ground near a source of moisture, warmth, and wood. They send workers to find food for their colony, and they start in the lower parts of your home.

Food for ttermites is any source of cellulose, such as the wooden framing of your home, wooden flooring materials, and sub-flooring. They also like paper on sheetrock walls, newspapers, magazines and just about anything that contains cellulose.

Here are a few steps to lower the chances of termite infestation. Make sure there is no wood to earth contact of any parts of your home. Don’t allow landscape chips from flower beds to come in contact with your home’s siding. Keep gutters and their extensions clean so water can drain away from the building. This is a good idea for several other reasons as well, but don’t invite termites with a moist environment.

Some homes are at greater risk of termite problems. For example, slab on grade homes with radiant floor heating are a natural breeding ground for termites. If you own a home with radiant floor heating, a wise maintenance procedure is to periodically have inspections done by a competent and qualified exterminator.

Detecting termites is difficult because termites eat out the inside of wooden beans, leaving the outer shell. Signs of termite damage include the following:

* A termite swarm flying or crawling around your property

* Damaged wood, especially pulp or saw dust around the house or under wooden overhangs

* Termite shelter tubes—sand colored tubes about the thickness of a pencil

* Change in sounds, such as woodwork that sounds hollow when struck or you hear extra creaks in floors

The best time to inspect for termites is in the spring and fall of the year. Any inspection should thoroughly check the basement, crawl spaces, and upper floors as well.

If you’re planning to buy a home, you could find yourself in serious trouble by moving heavy furniture into an area where termites have damaged flooring. A home inspection can determine the extent of termite damage and whether major repairs or replacement is required for flooring or other structures.

The possibility of termite trouble is one more critical reason to have a home inspected before you either buy or sell.

November 18, 2009

Interior Painting: Give Your Home a Touch of Life

By: Eugene Makeev

Colors do make life a lot more attractive, livelier and simply vibrant. Your everyday hectic New York life could use some refreshing change and nothing beats a fresh coat of paint to achieve this. Especially if your current home is new or pre-owned, chances are the interior walls would be in neutral shades or stark white. What seemed to work with the realtors may seem lifeless to you. Inject your home with a flare of lively color and indulge in the comforting ambiance that it brings through Interior Painting.

‘So what are the benefits of undertaking an interior painting project?’ you might ask. For one, it is the least expensive and least time-consuming project you can take for a splash of change. Other than enjoying the result in no time, the job result is both functional and decorative. Interior painting breathes life into a room, sets the mood and impression you want to get out of guests, highlights architectural details while hiding flaws, and protects the walls.

But though the project seems easy enough, do not get fooled and fall into the pitfall many New York homeowners have already fallen into. If you really want the most bang for your every buck, do not sacrifice quality over the dollars that you ‘think’ you’ll save. Craftsmanship and product selection are crucial in making a success out of your interior painting project. So if you are not skilled and experienced enough to undertake the task then, hand it over to a qualified contractor.

Product and color selection is often the interior painting phase where many homeowners get stuck. With all the available colors, types of paints and the many manufacturers; choosing the right paint can be daunting. To help you out on this, here are several things to consider:

• As you will be the one most exposed to the change, it is important that the color that you choose is something that you like. Choose a color that matches your taste as well as complements with the rest of the décor and furnishings.

• When you choose a color, pick up a shade that is neither too dark nor light.

• You can also pick a color in accordance to its psychological effect.

• Paints are manufactured according to use which may range from multi-purpose to specific areas. When choosing from the different types of paint, choose one that is appropriate for the room you want painted.

Wall preparation makes up most of the interior painting project and is among the most crucial stages. This could make or break the project, adding a good deal of years to the result if done right. This the time when every area needing repairs should be attended to, to make the wall ready for the actual application of paint.

Interior painting is also a great opportunity to unleash the creativity in you. Using various application methods and tools, different textures and patterns can be actualized. Create a wall for your fantasy through faux painting where any environment from outer space to fairyland is possible. For designs with specific patterns, you can either opt for wall stenciling or rubber stamping.

Bathroom Remodeling: Let Your Imagination Bring About Transformation

By: Eugene Makeev

Throughout the decades the functions of a bathroom have greatly revolved turning it from simply essential to so much more. The changes have been somewhat the answer to the hectic lifestyle of modern people, and are especially needed in the bustling big cities. In the City that Never Sleeps—New York, it definitely pays to be creative in creating a haven of comfort out of your baths. Some imagination integrated into your bathroom remodeling project could give you more than a good boost to your home’s value. It could also afford added luxury to your and your loved ones’ quality of living.

Depending on your lifestyle and taste, you could recreate your personal space through bathroom remodeling, achieving the most functional and stylish transformation. Typically, it is in the design phase that homeowners get stuck. With the thousands of possible ideas that they could use as inspiration, the task can seem overwhelming. To help you out on this, here are several creative ideas that you can choose from to integrate into your bathroom remodeling:

A Dash of Modernity

Your contemporary home could use a modern bath. If you are a homeowner who wants everything downright functional in a stark, sleek look then this bathroom remodeling style is perfect for you. Organization and surfaces are keys to achieve modernity in the design. Clean lines will give an effect of needed spaciousness. High sheen black counters, stainless steel sinks and features, glass and mirrors would also do great in the design.

Tropical Extravaganza

Wouldn’t it be great to be seemingly transported to some tropical resort each opportunity you get to take your time in the bath? Of course.

This bathroom remodeling idea could be realized through using earthly elements. Plants, mini-waterfalls and even some white pebbles could do just the trick. You could even have an open shower if your property could afford you the needed privacy even if your shower area opens up to the heavens.

Asian Invasion

Give in to utter peacefulness and feel the Zen. With a modern Asian bathroom remodeling design, oriental crafts can spruce things up inside your bath. Some of the things that you could implement in your design include jars and other forms of pottery, bamboo walls, and even French doors overlooking a rock garden.

Your Everyday Spa

Wellness and rejuvenation has become more than a therapy thing as it has revolutionized the way people live through its integration in home improvement designs. This bathroom remodeling idea is made possible by innovative spa products that you can find in the market today. From steam showers, to home saunas, whirlpool tubs, to chromatherapy; the options are many. And the best thing about having such is that these products are equipped with state of the art features like radio, telephone, CD player, remote control full-dimensional massages and others.

So which serves as the most tempting way to spend time in the bathroom? But if you can still squeeze out a little more of those creative juices, then by all means do so. Exhaust every possible option to make your bathroom remodeling idea fit your way of living perfectly.

How to Save Money With the Help of a Plumber and Green Plumbing Methods

By: Andrew Stratton

Looking to cut back on the household bills while doing something that's good for the planet and generations to come? The solution to this problem is easier than you may think.

By simply hiring a plumber to install "green plumbing" methods in your home, you can significantly cut down on your monthly payments to the Water Company and electric company, while doing something good for the environment at the same time.

As you may already know, earth's inhabitants are consuming the fresh water supply at an alarming rate. In the United States alone, 6.8 billion gallons of water are wasted daily just by flushing toilets. Another statistic shows that over half of our states anticipate fresh water shortages in the next 10 years as a result of such waste.

Believe it or not green plumbing methods have a direct impact on our environment and the long-term health of our planet. One of the first ways green plumbing impacts the environment is in the area of water conservation.

However, a green plumber can work his plumbing magic to significantly reduce the amount of waste coming from our homes in the form of toilet flushing, leaky taps or high flow fixtures.

For example, a plumber may install a high efficiency toilet to help cut back on the amount of water used throughout the day. Similarly, a good plumber can also install systems to harvest rainwater for toilet flushing and other tasks to avoid using the fresh water supply at all.

Faucets with a 'low flow' or front loader washing machines can also be installed to reduce the daily water intake from the household.

And while the reduction of water will help conserve our precious resources, it also helps to reduce the monthly water bill as well. Furthermore, some states are even offering cash back rebates for homeowners that purchase and install these high efficiency products that reduce waste.

Again, a good plumber who is knowledgeable in the area of green plumbing can direct the homeowner to these rebates and other bonus for installing eco-friendly products in the home.

In addition to saving on water costs, hiring a green plumber can also help to cut back on a person's monthly electric bill. Specifically, the plumber can install a solar hot water heater in place of a traditional hot water heater powered by oil or gas heat.

Now rather than wasting energy when taking a hot shower, running the dishwasher or doing anything else that requires hot water, a solar hot water heater will harvest the energy from the sun, free of charge to the homeowner.

And as mentioned before, certain states offer rebates to help cover the installation of a solar hot water heater, as it helps to further the states 'ultimate goal' of preserving the planet and community in which we live.

But remember, not all plumbers specialize in green plumbing methods or savvy ways to save money on the heating or electric bill via their services. In that case, be sure to be upfront with the plumber on what you expect out of the job and the long term goals you have for the reduction of your monthly water and energy costs.

November 9, 2009

Benefits Of Bamboo Flooring

by: Ken Morris

Bamboo flooring is a beautiful alternative to hardwood. This type of flooring is becoming very popular for its decorative value and because it is one of the most environmentally friendly materials currently used. Major manufacturers, such as Armstrong flooring, Columbia flooring and Mohawk flooring offer a bamboo product.

Bamboo is nearly as strong as steel. It is much stronger than any other material used in discount wood flooring. This durability makes bamboo perfect for use on floors. It is stronger than linoleum flooring and more comfortable to walk on than stone flooring. The weight, feel and density of this material are nearly the same as real hardwood.

Floors can be made of solid bamboo or be an engineered product. This means the bamboo is combined with another type of wood. Most often, engineered materials contain a bamboo surface with a plywood core. The bamboo can be stained and given a coat of urethane, as you would with any other hardwood.

These floors are installed like other hardwood floors. They are most often nailed or glued to the sub floor. Newer products are made to work like laminate flooring where the pieces lock together and create a floating floor. These don’t need to be nailed or glued in place.

The sub floor needs to be level prior to installation. If it isn’t level, asphalt shingles can be used to level it out. Make sure the sub floor material is completely dry and there is no moisture, which could damage the new floor.

Bamboo Flooring: Environmentally Friendly

More people are becoming concerned about the depletion of the hardwood forests on our planet. Many tree species take generations or may years to grow, such as walnut or oak. There is not enough replanting and even when new trees are planted, they can’t grow fast enough to satisfy the demand. Efforts are being made to prevent the deforestation of the rainforests.

Bamboo grows much faster than any tree used in manufacturing wood flooring. Plants only take five years to become mature. After they are harvested, new shoots begin to grow almost immediately. This happens automatically with no need for replanting.

Caring for Bamboo Flooring

Remove dust and dirt with a broom or dust mop. You can clean the floor using a water and vinegar solution containing 4 parts water to 1 part vinegar. To do this, use a barely damp sponge mop. Dry the floor right away with a towel. Don’t allow the floor to become soaking wet, as this can damage the bamboo.

Use a damp cloth for occasional spills or sticky spots. After you wipe up the spill, dry it with a towel right away. If the floor becomes dull, you can buff it with a buff sander to restore the shine. With proper care, your new floor will last for many years to come.

The Esteemed Bookcase

by: Christine Loxley

Many homes and living rooms are made complete by the addition of a bookcase – its passive presence both creates a lived-in feeling and lets homeowners put pieces of their own character on its shelves. The installation of a bookcase is often the crowning moment of interior decoration; one of the last things to be set up after moving into a new house. Consequently, choosing the right piece of furniture can take a lot of deliberation and trips to the department store.

The wide and diverse selection can make it difficult to pick a good bookcase, if only for the bombardment of good design ideas. These days, bookshelves are as small and as big as you can imagine, and they are made in so many shapes, colours and materials that there is bound to be a good candidate for your own living room or bedroom – or even every room of your house!

A well suited bookcase should adequately reflect the mood of a room, so it is important to decide before you go shopping just what you want the place to feel like. For a rustic atmosphere, a wooden shelf could do the trick. Are you more modern in taste? Try out a sleek and slim aluminum case, and it might satisfy that simplistic, functional urge.

What many people don’t consider when choosing a bookcase is to consult a furniture builder. There are a great deal of builders out there, who use a range of different materials and unique designs. If the store products aren’t impressing you, or you have a particular idea in mind for your shelves, it might be wise to speak with a builder. This way, your shelf can suit your home, your style and you aren’t likely to bump into the same one at a friend’s dinner party!

Plenty Of Tips On Keeping Your Home Secure From Intruders

by: Jon Kilminster

There's no place like home. A man's home is his castle. Home is where the heart is. To most people, "home" is a comforting word, a suggestion of safety and warmth, a haven from the outside world. That's why home security is such an important issue to so many people. To have one's car or office burglarized is bad, but to have the sanctity of one's home breached is somehow even worse.

When it comes to home security, there are a number of fairly basic things you can do that don't require a lot of time or money. First and foremost, you must make sure all the outside doors on your home have deadlocks. You'd be surprised how many people have a front door that is completely secure, yet have a garage door or side door that is protected only by an ordinary locked doorknob.

Windows, too, should be lockable, and if it's feasible to put screens over them, even better. Some homeowners put thorny bushes and shrubs below windows to make the idea of climbing in less appealing or even physically dangerous. Most burglars don't want to put forth a lot of effort, so anything you can do to make your home unappealing will help.

It is also wise to keep a record of the serial numbers of all your valuables. If any of the items are stolen, the serial numbers may help police investigators recover them. Homeowner's insurance policies -- which are also highly recommended -- sometimes require this record-keeping.

Neighborhood watch programs can be an effective, low-tech way of discouraging burglaries, with residents keeping an eye out for suspicious activities in their own neighborhoods and calling police if they see something. In addition, burglars avoid areas that are well-lit, neatly kept and that don't have a lot of hiding places. Home security is a vital concern, but it needn't be difficult or expensive to maintain.

November 4, 2009

Helpful Tips on Reupholstering Dining Room Chairs

By: Annie Deakin

Reupholstering is a great way of enhancing the look of those old dining room chairs that you have in your home. You can not only change the way that piece of furniture looks, but also improve the look of an entire room.

Although many people will seek the help of a trained professional who specializes in reupholstering furniture, it is also possible to do the entire job by yourself.

An added bonus to doing the task by yourself is that you will have that feeling of self worth that is provided by a job well done.

Tips on reupholstering

Although taking on the task of reupholstering your dining room chairs may seem intimidating you can easily accomplish the job by simply following a few easy steps.

The first thing that has to be done is pick out the material which you plan on using. There will be many considerations that go into making this choice such as color, durability, and stain resistance. Make sure that you match the fabric to the rest of your dining room and purchase more than you need. As a rule of thumb it is recommended that you double the amount.

Once you have the fabric picked out you will need to remove the old cushions from all of the chairs. This can easily be done by using a screwdriver and taking out all of the screws anchoring the cushion down.

Take the material off of each one by using the same screwdriver and a pair of needle nosed pliers. Gently pry the staples up and pull them out. Take care to dispose of them properly so that nobody steps on one at a later time.

Measure the seat and them double that measurement before tracing and cutting each piece of material. This will ensure that you have plenty of fabric to cover the area of the seat and still have enough to fold under.

Lay the material down on a flat surface making sure that the right side is placed upside down. Place the chair seat onto the middle of the fabric and start folding the material around the seat.

After making the first fold be sure to staple it on the back securely, and continue the step with each of the folds. Take care to pull the fabric tight to reduce bunching or wrinkling on the top side. Also, don't forget to pleat all of the corners as you go along.

Once all of the fabric is folded and stapled to the back of the seat take some scissors and trim away all of the excess material. This will help when you are trying to reattach the cushion back on the chair.

Now that you have finished the chair seat the only thing that will be left is to put it back on the chair. Put all of the screws back in and your job is done.

By taking care to go through each step accurately and with precision, you will soon have the chair of your dreams at fraction of the price. It will boost your self esteem and save you lots of money in the end.

Wardrobe Boxes and Simple Tips on Packing Clothes

By: John Clayton

Moving to a new home? Then you most certainly need wardrobe boxes. However, there are people out there who choose to do otherwise and simply opt to use whatever box is lying around. This is the wrong thing to do. The thing with these ordinary cardboard boxes is that they are not equipped to hold your garments and neither are they durable enough to endure the load and the bumps that you will inevitably encounter during the transit to your new home. In fact, a lot of these ordinary cardboard boxes fall apart even before you get them inside the moving truck. They are that fragile. Besides, there are certain perks to using these wardrobe moving boxes that no other moving box can provide you with. First off, these boxes actually have rods in them from which you can hang your more delicate clothing such as your suits, evening wear and so on. These are the items that you can’t fold inside a box because doing so might damage their fabric permanently. If you have designer items in your wardrobe that require extra care then it is recommended that you get these specially designed boxes to hold them. After all, they are investments as well.

Now, here are a few tips by which you could utilize your wardrobe boxes when it comes to packing your clothes for the big move.

- Make a list before you start packing. This would allow you to organize everything beforehand and enable you to pick and choose the ones you want to take with you and the ones that you ought to sell during a garage sale or donate to your local Goodwill. After all, you have very limited space and you simply can’t afford to take everything with you.

- Instead of piling your clothing on top of the other, try rolling them instead. This would reduce any signs of creasing and give you more space inside the box. In fact, you can even insert various fragile items such as glassware or figurines inside the rolled up garments in order to protect them from damage. Remember, the fewer boxes you use, the more space you have inside the moving truck.

- Pack your clothes seasonal clothes in a separate box. Your heavy coats for winter shouldn’t mix with your clothes for spring and so on. Doing this would definitely save you time when it comes to unpacking simply because you need not take out your winter garments out of the box unnecessarily. You just simply store them away up until the time when they are finally needed.

- Lastly, make full use of your wardrobe boxes. There would still be a bit of space underneath the clothes that you have hanging so use that extra bit of storage wisely. As for the clothes hanging in the box, do cover them in garment bags or make one out of a clean garbage bag. This would prevent dust from sticking to the fabric.

So there you have it some simple tips on how to pack wisely and how to make full use of your wardrobe moving boxes.

Home Inspection Tip—Move Your Clutter!

By: David Haigh

When any self respecting housewife invites company for dinner, she cleans the house to impress her guests. If you’re selling your home and are having it inspected, as you should, you’ll need to do some house cleaning, too. That’s not so you can impress your home inspector, but so he can do his job.

Many times home inspectors can’t fully do what they’re supposed to do because certain areas of the home are inaccessible, due to clutter. When it’s time for your home inspection, you want to get your money’s worth. You don’t want the report to say, “Inspection limited due to the excess possessions blocking access and view.”

This isn’t about being a neat freak. The American Society of Home Inspectors ASHI ®, Standards of Professional Practice, says inspectors are not to report on components or systems which are not observed. Your inspector isn’t required to disturb insulation or move personal items out of the way. If you’ve got furniture or plants in places your inspector needs to see, like the doorway to a utility closet, you’ll have to move that stuff. Clear off any snow and ice if necessary as well.

What if the water heater, electrical panels, or attic are places your home inspector can’t get to? Those are areas he must check if your home is to be inspected properly, and if you’re going to get the report you need. The bottom line: Don’t let junk ruin your home inspection.

In some homes water heaters are found in utility closets or garages. If the water heater is surrounded by clutter, your inspector can’t tell if there are possible problems, such as a fire hazard. If an electrical panel has been improperly installed, but is hidden from view, your inspector won’t know that, and neither will you. What if that panel causes a fire for the next home owner?

Walk through your home before your home inspection is to take place and make sure all doors and passageways are accessible. Move stored items out of the way or elsewhere altogether. If the home being sold is vacant make sure that the power, water and gas remain on so that all systems are operable and can be inspected.

If items on the report can’t be inspected, you as the seller may be asked to have the home inspected again after areas in question have been cleared out. Similarly, if you’re the buyer, you can ask for another inspection. Another option is to request that the seller pay for a warranty if a certain component is not inspected.

Granted, if a home to be inspected is being lived in, there will be personal possessions throughout the house. Some areas will be less accessible as a result. If you’re the seller, make sure things can be moved out of your inspector’s way.

Show some common courtesy and make sure key areas around your property can be seen by your home inspector. You may not be trying to impress him at a dinner party, but you’ll make his job easier, and you’ll get a more complete report. That, after all, is what you’re paying for.

Home Inspection Tips—Dealing With Grading and Drainage Problems

By: David Haigh

Let’s face it. Your basement is a hole in the ground, and you don’t want water getting into that hole. Grading and drainage are issues every home owner faces. Home inspectors find grading and drainage problems to be quite common.

If grading collects and holds water near a foundation wall it can cause basement flooding. That can lead to mold growth as soon as 48 hours after flooding, something you definitely don’t want. Of course, any amount of flooding can damage those valuable items you’ve stored in your basement, and you don’t want that either.

If you’ve lived in an area for quite a while, you maybe familiar enough to detect certain weather patterns, such as a wet spring that could cause flooding. You may already know you have to be on guard concerning water getting into your basement. However, aside from immediate flooding, water leakage over a long period of time will rot and damage wood framing structures and also cause damage to the foundation. That’s something to be aware of, too.

The grade is like a roof on a house. A grade that pitches or angles towards a home can direct water right to your home. If the ground is frozen in winter, heavy rain can cause flooding next to your foundation wall. Of course, heavy rain any time of year can cause flooding. The problem is that the water will leak into any cracks it finds. Thus, you get water in your basement and damage to your foundation.

If you’re looking to buy a home, you’ll want to ask the owner about any flooding in the past. Was this a wet year? What about wet years within the past ten years? Such years are bound to happen. You don’t want to be surprised by unanticipated flooding in the basement. Any possible evidence of past flooding is important to learn about before you buy the home. You want to be able to wisely make an informed decision on purchase or negotiation with the seller.

If you’re selling a home yourself, here are some ideas to reduce water leakage into the basement.

First, angle or pitch all grades away from your home. The ground right next to the foundation should be sloped away from a building at a slope not less than 1 inch per 1 foot of grade over a distance of no less than 8 feet. Of course, if the house has a hill side directed to the house, following this recommendation may be cancelled out as water runs down the hill.

It may be necessary to install a grade or below grade drain. This will direct water away from the ground next to the foundation. An engineer may need to design such a drain. Though this could cost several thousand dollars, consider it an important investment to ward off problems that could cost much more in the long run.

You could also drain water from gutters into dry wells placed at least 20 feet from the building. This depends on several factors, such as the soil conditions and general pitch of the surrounding grade. Consider the elevation of the house, too, such as when living in coastal flood plains or wetland areas. High water tables may be as close as 3-4 inches underneath a home’s basement slab throughout the year. A word of caution--don’t drain sump pumps into city sewers, as it’s illegal in most places.

Another suggestion is to keep grass clippings from piling up around the perimeter of your home. Over time grass clippings can raise the grade a little and make something like a low moat that collects water. That water will likely seep into the ground and find small cracks in your foundation and end up in the basement.

Water where it doesn’t belong is a plague to most home owners and home inspectors. Taking preventive measures now will make life easier for you, your inspector and prospective buyer.

5 Easy Ways to Accessorize a Room

By: Dina Solise

If you find that the current look of your home is rather boring or you’re just looking for something different, there are many simple ways to spruce things up by accessorizing any room in your home. To give any room an entirely new look, you don’t need a lot of money or an interior decorator. By following these simple suggestions, you can accessorize any room in your home.

Add Some Extra Flair with Throw Pillows

An easy place to start is by adding throw pillows to the sofa or chair. Another simple way to accessorize is to add a throw blanket to the back of the sofa. Just be sure that these items aren’t the exact same color as the sofa or chair, as they should add some interest and design element to the room. For instance, if you have a tan sofa, find decorative pillows where tan is not the main color in the design or pattern. By finding accessories that match other complementary colors in the room, you can really pull the room together.

Update Your Lighting Fixtures

You can give your room a whole new glow by updating your lighting fixtures. Installing new lighting in a room can make a big difference, whether you’re replacing older fixtures or small ones. A variety of fixtures are available that are both inexpensive and easy to install. Be sure to get a fixture that gives off plenty of light to make your room brighter. At the same time, find a design style that fits the room.

Go Green with Your Living Room Accessories

With a simple houseplant or vase of flowers, you can easily add more color to any room. There are some really beautiful fake flower arrangements available at craft stores. If you’re creative enough, you might even make one yourself. Be sure to place the flower arrangement in a prominent spot in the room so it garners lots of attention. You would also want to do this for a houseplant, whether it’s real or fake. To draw more attention to the fireplace, for instance, consider placing two houseplants on either side of it.

Fill Up a Blank Wall with Framed Pictures

Are your walls boring? Try hanging a few picture frames in various shapes and sizes to spice things up. There are so many picture frames available these days that are both unique and stylish. They not only allow you to display your favorite pictures, but they also add some interest to the room. Black-and-white pictures or those with just a touch of color will provide a dramatic look, as will matted images.

Reorganize Knickknacks with Shelving

If your various knickknacks in a room are getting lost in the mix, consider grouping them together on a mantle or shelving on wood bookcases. This way, you can display them together in a stylish arrangement and thus better accessorize the room.

Adding simple accessories allows you to easily redecorate or switch around the style design of a room. If you want to go a little further in reinventing the look, consider moving the furniture around or add new pieces, such as new oak dining room tables. It should be neither hard nor expensive to accessorize a room. By simply getting creative, you can really let your style show.

October 8, 2009

Five Office Decorating Tips For Home Or at Work

By: Max Johnson

As gas prices continue to be at the highest levels that we have ever seen, more and more people are working at home. How you go about your office decorating can make a big difference in how productive you are going to be. Think about it. If you do not like how your office is decorated you will not like being there and you will not be in an optimal work mode.

As you think about office decorating for your home office or your office at work, you want to make it as comfortable as possible for yourself. Below are five office decorating ideas to get you started to make your work space enjoyable and make you as productive as possible whether you are working at home or at the office:

1.) Whether you are ready to start the office decorating at home or at work, use color. I am not saying that you need to go crazy with wild colors but the last thing you want is to be surrounded by boring white walls. Many studies have been done that prove that the color of a room can change your attitude. Casinos and retail stores use this tactic every single day to get you into a mood hat will benefit them. Choose colors that make you happy. If they are a little wild for some other people, you can always re-paint later. It is good to use two colors that compliment each other and then you can base the other decor in the room around those colors.

2.) Place plants in various places around the room. There are many plants available that do not need much attention and will live through many things. If you are anything like me, this is very important as not everyone has a green thumb. With office decorating, you can pick a plant theme by plant or by color. There is nothing wrong with going with a theme of something you like.

3.) Depending on haw much freedom that you have at work or if you are decorating your home office, you can still have an office with a view, literally any view. With a wall mural painted on a wall you can look at your favorite skyline, your favorite beach or even your favorite stadium. Then you can have your favorite view right from your office chair.

4.) If decorating your home office, create your own art gallery by adding an art collection to your walls. This may allow you to collect different art that your spouse may not care to place in main living areas of the house. If you are a golfer you could include golf prints by artists such as Linda Hartough. You could either collect her work at Augusta National or collect all of her work done on the US Open golf courses. Maybe you are a race fan and want to collect some work of Sam Bass. You can always carry the theme of your house into your home office.

5.) Many people are creating an office theme to resemble a favorite resort or spa that that they have visited. Do you have a favorite resort or spa? Decorate your office like the resort you went to in Miami or Los Angeles. You can use any place that gives you great memories. This can make you more relaxed and more productive and relieve a lot of stress.

All of us spend more time working than we do anything else, with this being said, nobody wants to have to work in an area for hours that makes them unhappy. Use these office decorating tips to create a space that you will enjoy. If these ideas are not what you have in mind, there are many other decorating ideas that are available to you. On second thought, you can simply use your imagination. Only you know what will make you happy!

Find A Great Chair Cover – San Diego Offers Many Choices

By: Sarah Martin

If you live in Southern California and want to decorate in elegance and style for an upcoming event, you can’t underestimate the value of a simple detail such as a chair cover. San Diego has many rental companies that specialize in providing you with exactly what you need for the occasion.

You only have to look at a before and after picture to show you what adding a chair cover can do for the design of the decorations. A before picture showing the chairs as they are cannot compare with the beauty of the chairs decorated with covers and sashes.

When you start looking, chair cover San Diego ( rental agencies for linens for weddings and other special occasions have showrooms that you can visit. You can also see the pictures of the styles and colors available by visiting their websites that also have a listing of the prices.

For as little as $2.50 per chair, you get the cover and the sash as well as delivery, set up and pickup. The covers are washed and steamed after every use and just before they are used again so that every room is as presentable as possible for the occasion.

Adding chair covers will make the event more memorable for both you and the guests. When the guests enter the room, they will stop and gaze in awe at the luxurious ambiance this detail adds. You can consult with a specialist so that you get a chair cover that suits your theme.

When choosing a chair cover, San Diego rental agencies will help you decide the color and the fabric for the cover so that you add a splash of color that is consistent with your theme and design. A chair cover is also important in making your guests feel special and honored to have been invited.

If you are planning an event during a busy season of the year, such as a wedding in the summer or a Christmas party, you should make sure you make your reservations in advance for renting chair covers. During these peak seasons, you may not be able to get exactly what you want in a chair cover. San Diego is very busy during these times of the year as are other cities of the nation.

You should book the chair cover rentals at least six months in advance to take advantage of great deals and the best choices in colors and material. Even though you may not know the exact number of covers that you will need at this time, you should have an approximate number in mind that you can adjust up or down within a few weeks of the date.

You don’t have to worry about getting normal stains on a chair cover. San Diego rental companies accept this as long as the stain can be removed in the cleaning process. This includes stains from spilled drinks and food.

However, if there is a stain on one or more chair covers due to permanent marker, for examples, or if there is a tear that cannot be repaired, you will have to pay the cost of replacing the cover. With the many companies that rent chair covers in San Diego, you can compare the prices and the covers they offer to make sure you get the most competitive deal.

Quality in Furniture Upholstery

By: Sarah Martin

The retail dealer in furniture must accustom himself to being able to recognize qualities in upholstered furniture bought from the manufacturer, as in no other line of work is it possible to pass off inferior goods so easily. The actual upholstery is entirely covered in a finished chair or sofa, and often two finished chairs will appear exactly similar in outward aspect, yet one will outwear the other several times over.

It is safe to say that 90% of the wholesale manufacturers do not furnish the best grade of material and workmanship in the goods that they sell. In the first place, all upholstery frames should be made of ash. The exposed portions only, such as feet or arms, should be made of the decorative wood required, such as oak, mahogany or walnut, etc.

Webbing which upholds the springs and corner guards ( should be four inches wide, and the best grade has four red threads running parallel about one-half inch from each edge. The inferior grades are narrower, with blue and black threads at the edges instead of red.

The webbing should be tightly stretched and interlaced and should be nailed with seven tacks at each end. If good webbing is used, it can generally be taken for granted that the better quality goods are used throughout. The webbing can be examined by tearing off a corner of the black cambric covering underneath the chair.

The next item to examine on an upholstered piece is the gimp which covers the tacks. This should be of good quality and well glued, firm and flat, instead of being tacked to the frame.
The stronger springs should be in the middle of the seat, the weaker in the rear and the balance in the front and sides. The best grade of springs have the ends of the springs knotted to the next loop, the inferior grades do not, the ends being merely cut off along with the corner protector (

The advantage of the knotted spring is that it cannot unwind or get loose from its fastening and gradually slip through the upholstery material. The springs should be japanned or enameled. Each spring should be tied in six places with a firm knot instead of a simple loop and they should be all tied together, each in four directions. The ends of the springs should be nailed firmly to the frame work. The springs should be covered on top with a piece of heavy burlap and each spring should be sewed to the burlap in four places.

A continuous twine should be used. The best hair is "South American Drawings," which is long and soft horse hair that has been sterilized, treated and curled, either black or white in color. The white is slightly more expensive but no better in quality. There should, however, be no short pieces mixed in. The hair is placed on top of the burlap which covers the springs, and under the cross-stitching of twine, the hair is worked and interlaced by the experienced upholsterer.

Over this is loosely tacked a piece of light burlap, which in turn is sewn to the under heavy burlap. This is done by means of a series of squares covering the whole scat or back. After this is completed, additional hair is worked in, and then the top piece of light burlap is tacked tightly down to the frame and wall protectors with tacks about 1/4" apart.

The edgings are now shaped and the edge stitching made, under which is placed a thin layer of hair and over this is placed unbleached material, firmly stretched and tacked on the sides. Over this is placed a layer of cotton wadding, and finally the finished material, which is tacked closely to the molding. The gimp is then glued over the tacks as a finish, and finally the black cambric is nailed to the bottom side and the piece is complete.

In inferior workmanship, the stuffing may be of excelsior, sea weed, moss, goats' hair, pigs' hair, or old rags, and with the amount of detailed labor and the number of processes used in properly doing upholstery work, one can readily judge that the quality of both material and workmanship can be very greatly varied, causing the actual cost of the finished work to run a considerable range, all of which can be hidden under the final covering.

October 5, 2009

DIY Fence Installation: The Basics

By: Benedict Smythe

Who said fences are out of vogue? Fences remain useful additions to any home or any yard. Kids and even domestic animals can be kept safe with the use of fences, especially if you live on generally uneven and dangerous terrain. It’s the “final frontier” so to speak, before an individual steps out into another territory.

Wooden fences are actually quite nice to look at especially if they have this honeyed finish that looks cool during hot afternoons and are still visible at night. If you live near a mountainous region, then a DIY fence installation is all you need to keep your kids that much safer.


Before you buy any materials for the fences, first make a complete measurement of the entire length of land that would be fenced. Use a conventional mechanical meter for this. If your house is situated on uneven land, give certain allowances for these uneven parts of the land, but make the measurements doubly accurate.

Allowances from the house should be adequate, as you would not want to be literally “boxed in” by the new fences. If you have neighbors, and you don’t have ready access to both sides of the land, make sure to ask your friendly neighbors if you can work from their part of the fence as well. This would allow you to make the necessary micro adjustments with little difficulty.

The steps

1.) The wooden panels for the fence often come in different sizes. Often, the fences are 6 feet wide and have the following heights:

• 3 feet
• 4 feet
• 5 feet
• 6 feet

2.) If you wish to use more traditional support or foundations for your wooden fence, then you would have to use a power auger or an efficiently-shaped shovel to make way for the supports. Typically, these supports are hammered or pummeled into the ground until they are snugly in place. Using conventional supports means you need shorter posts. Having shorter posts means you would not have to deal with rotting posts in a few years.

3.) On the other hand, you can use concrete in securing your fence posts. Drying the concrete might take a while but provide wonderful stability, especially if you live in stony areas. Muddy areas that are moist all year round do not lend well to the concrete approach.

4.) After installing the posts, the panels should be securely put in place and reinforced with “post supports”. Post supports are large screws that lock the panels to either the mid-region of the post or the upper-region.

5.) Concrete post supports should be at least two feet deep. The posts should be supported adequately with two wooden planks at least ¾ of a foot long. These should be placed securely upon the ground to keep the post erect until the concrete dries.

6.) Slope fencing can be tricky. Try to find a particular “rhythm” to your installation so that the fence evenly descends the slope. Use increments to make sure that the fence looks good from afar.

DIY Electrical Socket Installation

By: Benedict Smythe

A well planned home has electric sockets at every pre-determined spot in the house, allowing for ease of use anytime of the day. Unfortunately, only 1 or 2 houses out of a hundred have been designed this way. This is the reason why many of us make use of long extension cords that snake around the house - bringing electricity to un-serviced regions of the house. Sometimes it’s convenient, oftentimes it’s not.

To make the picture more complicated, extension cords are not recommended for heavy or power-intensive appliances, such as washing machines and automatic dryers. In these instances, you really have to install new electric sockets. But how does one do it?

DIY socket installation

Who says it can’t be done? “Can’t” should be removed from the vocabulary of a competent DIY-er or do-it-yourselfer. If you can follow simple instructions and you know the basic skills of do it yourself home repair, home improvement and renovation, then there is no way that you’re going to fail.

Note of warning

If you think that the power cables in your house have already been battered too much by overuse, misuse or by it general age, then leave the task to a qualified electrician who can do it professionally. Losing a finger or a whole hand to electricity is never a pretty sight. Don’t bite off what you can’t chew, especially if you’re dealing with electricity.

The steps

1.) Safety first : turn of the main switch, and make sure that all the lines that you would be touching have absolutely no power. If you think some lines are not controlled by an automatic main power switch, use a small volt tester to make sure. If you can, remove the wounded wires inside the automatic switch to completely render the lines inside the house power-less.

2.) Install the sockets one by one. Make sure that you know what kinds of circuits you are dealing with. For example, radial circuits have more than one wire in them. There are earth wires, positive and negative wires, etc. Make sure that you attach these properly to the new sockets before anything else.

3.) Remember that sockets should be well above possible flood levels. Flood levels vary from region to region, as well as country to country. As a general rule of thumb, electric sockets and electrical appliances should be placed at least 170 mm above the base ground level. Adjust accordingly, based on your own calculations. But do not place the electric sockets too high up that they become unusable.

4.) If you plan to install surface-mounted electrical sockets, then you are in luck. These are relatively easy to install and far easier to observe for defects than other types. Though a bit bulkier, surface-mounted electrical sockets can be easily installed and just as easily removed.

5.) Surface-mounted electrical sockets should have “safe boxes” that have been screwed in place before the actual socket is placed inside. Never install “naked” surface-mounted electrical sockets as these can cause immediate shock or even death, especially to small children and pets.

6.) Flush-mounted electrical sockets are more difficult to install; you actually have to install it behind the wall. But if you do choose flush-mounted over surface-mounted, you would have the benefit of having a neater installation, minus the bulk.

Dealing With Dampness: What to Do When Dampness Envelops Your Home

By: Benedict Smythe

Dampness or unwanted moisture in the house is indeed a serious problem. While a little dampness is hardly noticeable, real dampness tends to degrade paint on the walls, and causes molds and other unpleasant growths to further make themselves at home in your own house. Often, dampness is the result of repeated rain during the rainy season, right before the break of summer. Increased moisture in the sky, in the air and on the ground make the task of drying your home a Herculean task.

The checklist

The following steps may be taken to ensure that any counter-measures for the dampness in your home would be done after all non-invasive techniques have been tried. Sometimes, just checking the house in different ways makes all the difference.

1.) Leaks- when was the last time that you checked the integrity of your roof? Sometimes, leaks can make some spots in the house as damp as the outside, because the roof is no longer functioning well. Check the house for small leaks. If you do find the leaks, attempt to patch these first and see what happens from thereon. Chances are, if leaks are your only problem, then the problem has been solved already.

2.) Is condensation the culprit? - Often overlooked, condensation also plays a big part in making the insides of a house as damp as a newborn kitten. How does condensation take place? Condensation is the formation of water droplets- lots of them, when hot or warm air collides with the molecules of cooler air. The collision of two bodies of air that are of unequal temperature creates condensation.

To control condensation in the most parts of the house, simply make sure that there is adequate ventilation (even just during the actual use of these parts of the house) and that thin walls are insulated properly. Insulating retains the heat inside the house, making it harder for cold air to penetrate and cause dampness.

3.) The walls outside might be the culprit- if the walls inside your home can be a contributing factor to the formation of water droplets, then imagine the conundrum you might be already facing if the walls outside have already crumbled. Check the external walls of your home to see if they are still doing their job well. If you see large cracks and holes in your walls, then it’s time for either a general patching up, or a complete replacement.

Let’s face it- walls age through the long, hard and cold years and they deserve to be replaced every now and then. When you do get the installation in place, make sure that you insulate the walls with the best insulation that your budget can afford to buy. Do this, and the moisture level inside your house will start to improve dramatically.

4.) Guttering- if your gutters have been chocked with leaves or what not, then it’s time to clean your gutters. You might be surprised how a few bunches of leaves can cause unsightly leaks inside your house. Manually remove the leaves and see if the condition inside improves.

DIY Renovation For Small Bathrooms

By: Benedict Smythe

The bathroom can be one of the more troublesome spots for DIY or do it yourself enthusiasts, because not only would you be dealing with a fairly limited space, but also, nearly everything in it has been fixed, or had installed in a permanent manner. Pneumatic drills, concrete nails and other such installation methods mean you would be dealing with concrete or granite when you want to install something. In any case, it is still possible, so go ahead and DIY freely.

The installation of toilet bowls is one of the most difficult DIY projects in the bathroom area. Just how does one install a new toilet bowl? Follow these simple steps and watch your new bathroom toilet stand high and proud.

The steps

1.) First locate the water source for your new toilet bowl. Often, water pipes have been laid down near the base of the ground, or have been semi-fixed on the floor. Make sure that the water valve has been turned off before you attempt to work with water pipes. After you have located a workable point with the water source, measure the distance to your new toilet bowl. Remember, make exact measurements. Cut the needed length for the new toilet bowl.

2.) The flange for the new installation should be installed as well. Slip it over the pipe and begin installing the valve, too. Toilets operate with what we call compression washers; install the compression washer and make sure that the whole assemblage is secured tightly. No leaks means less water wasted.

3.) The drain plug for the new toilet should be cleaned thoroughly of any debris that might hinder the passage of water. Papers and small plastic pieces should be removed. After the cleaning, the flange should be finally secured.

4.) Wax seals are included to make sure that the base of the toilet bowl and therefore, the water and all its future contents would not spill unto the surface of the bathroom. Place the wax seal on the toilet correctly as well.

5.) Silicon caulk or other similar bonding agents can be placed in addition to the wax seal to make sure what has to go down, will go down, and not out.

6.) If you have no one to help you out in this particular do it yourself project, it’s alright. The task can be done splendidly by even just one person. The success depends largely on your own familiarity with your bathroom and the basic principles of plumbing. If you followed the instructions here to the letter, then there is now way that you are going to fail. Have fun while doing it, as well.

7.) The toilet must be aligned to the nearest centimeter with the wax seal. Failure to do so might cause the toilet to flop over or leak. The correct measurements should have been done well before the toilet seat if finally lowered into its final place in the bathroom.

8.) If your toilet bowl has retaining bolts, install them all. Retaining bolts prevent your toilet bowl from falling sideways or flopping over. In some instances, the weight becomes a factor, so never ignore these little bolts. Your safety and the success of this DIY project depend on these little details.

October 2, 2009

Choosing Your Ideal Bath

By: Harry Young

If you are choosing a new bath it helps to be informed about what is on the market. The range of shapes, sizes and materials modern baths are available in is huge. You can choose from classic or modern styling, from a standard bath to a luxury whirlpool. The most common material used in bath manufacturing is cast iron which is then coated in porcelain enamel or sometimes acrylic and steel, although the latter is less common. Bath sizes can vary from 30-34" wide and 14-20" deep. Designs vary too from freestanding corner baths or sunken baths which are positioned in plinths which are custom made.

Cast Iron Baths

The weight of a cast iron bath is approximately 350lbs. Depending on where you live they can be difficult to transport, especially if your bathroom is upstairs or if there are any tight corners and doorways in your property. They do have their benefits however. When compared to acrylic baths, for example, they are quieter when filling up with water, retain the heat of the water for longer and are much more durable. They have a more robust feel to them and don't feel as "spongy" as their acrylic counterparts.

Plastic (Acrylic, Fibreglass) Baths

Although it is common knowledge that fibreglass is used in boat manufacturing it is also used for making baths. Fibreglass baths have a gel coating which provides strength while keeping them light in weight. Partly because they are easy to manufacture they are cheaper than cast iron baths. However, because of their thinness they are easily scratched, especially if strong abrasive cleaning solutions are used. Stronger cleaning solutions also affect the colour of the bath which, over time, would appear faded.

The Art of Bath Making

In the manufacturing process several layers of fibreglass are moulded together as a support layer then it is given a spray coating of a special gel. To give improved strength other materials such as foam, wood or corrugated paper are used. Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) is sometimes used as a more cost effective alternative to acrylic. The downside to this is that it is softer than acrylic. On a more positive note however, scratches can be eliminated by sanding. Also it not prone to colour fading.

Another process in bath manufacturing it is also worth being aware of is injection moulding. Here liquid plastic is injected into the bath mould. Once it has cooled down it is withdrawn. Injection moulded baths do not have the same rigidity as, for example, cast iron baths and they dull rapidly.

Plastic baths have the problem of being "spongy" and flexible. This is the case whether they are injection moulded or laminated (gel coated). Obviously the more layers of fibreglass or reinforcing used bumps up the price. A good idea when installing a plastic bath is to position a small amount of cement under the bath to give more stability.

Taps - The Finishing Touch

Many baths are now made “undrilled” so you can choose the type of taps you feel will fit in with the kind of bathroom you want: traditional or modern. Just choose what design suits your personality or the look and feel of the kind of bathroom you want to create.

Home Brewing Kits - Great Holiday Gifts!

By: Bill Stewart

Are you always searching for a special gift for that person who seems to have everything? I would bet that they don't have a home brewing system of their own! If you can give the gift of creating something to someone, a home brewing kit is going to be something that will be laughed about and used for weeks and months to come. Your friend might even stumble upon a fantastic method for make beer that all of you love.

Holidays, birthdays and special occasions are all a great time to give the gift of a home brewing system to make beer. Most every one just loves to have a great time, enjoy a beer, and sit back and relax. The hobby beer maker is one who can make the beer dark, heavy, light, sweet or sour. The gift you are giving to a person, with the gift of a home brewing system is one that will create a new hobby for that person. Hobbies are how we pass the time in life, and enjoy our time. Giving someone this new hobby is not only going to give them a hobby, but something new in life to talk about with others at the same time!

For the holidays (or for those birthdays, special occasions and even retirement parties), you most likely know someone who has everything they need or want. Yet, you still need to find that perfect gift that is going to be personal and useful at the same time. A home brewing kit is going to be the answer. It is going to show that you know that person likes beer (or wine as there are wine making kits too!) and you are giving the person something they can share with others who visit their home.

What types of special equipment are needed for home brewing?

No special equipment is needed. The home brewing kit is going to give you all the information, and ingredients you need to get started on making a batch of beer. The home brewing kit is even going to give you information about how to make larger batches, and what types of household things you can use to do this. You will find that if you are purchasing a gift of a home brewing kit for someone, you might even want to purchase one for yourself and get in on all the fun that is to be had. You can make brews at home; share with your family and friends, and all while enjoying your time by the fireplace in the summer or in the winter!

Making your own beer is easy. There are no hard to find ingredients, and you don't have to wait long for the final product either. The beer you make is fun, easy and good tasting all at the same time! As you enjoy making beer, and find that special flavor you want to re create all the time, you could even bottle and give others your own beer as a gift when you head to their home for a party or get together.

A Successful Way of Hiring the Right Plumber

By: Amy Nutt

Whether it is a big or small repair that is needed, for most homeowners, any type of plumbing problem can be a frustrating and time consuming experience. When it comes to dealing with a plumbing problem, enlisting the services of a plumber is recommended. Along with repairing your plumbing problem, Plumbers can also provide maintenance tips to help you avoid future plumbing issues.

Searching for a plumber can be a daunting task. Hiring a plumber that you don't know can result in more problems and higher costs. You can run the risk of shoddy work, poor quality parts, not qualified to fix the plumbing problem, and an expensive service fee. Not all plumbers are the same so it is important to find the right plumber that meets your needs.

The following are a list of tips to help you hire the right plumber:

1.) When searching for a plumber, you should ask to see the plumber's license. Most states require plumbers to carry a valid license. You also have the ability to check to see if the plumber has a history of complaints.

2.) It is important that the plumber you hire has a reputation for being good at plumbing repair and charging fair prices. Ask family, friends, neighbors about their plumber and if they like the services. You can also ask a realtor as they usually keep a list of reliable plumbers.

3.) Don't be afraid to ask questions. A reputable and honest plumber should not have a problem answering your questions. Such questions you should ask include: How long they have been on the job? What kind of guarantees they provide on their work? Can they provide references? How much will their service cost? Will the plumber offer a 30-day warranty on any work or supplies used for any plumbing repairs?

4.) Search the internet for plumbers in your area. Many customers post reviews of companies. You will learn more about a particular plumber from people who have used their services.

5.) Asking for a written estimate before the plumber begins the repair is highly recommended. As well, ask if there are any special discounts available.

6.) It is important to comparison shop for a plumber. Check with at least 3 different plumbing companies to find out their prices and services offered.

7.) Check about emergency services such as if there any restrictions about the time of day and day of the week that they will not be available in the event of an emergency.

8.) When researching for a plumber, make sure they have liability insurance in case the plumber gets hurt while working in your home.
Trying to fix a problem yourself can end up causing more problems as well as enormous costs. Knowing what to ask and doing your research will go a long way in hiring the right plumber. In the event of a slow leak, or a burst pipe, you will be reassured knowing that a good plumber is only a phone call away.

September 22, 2009

Why Winter is the Best Time to Do Some Home Improvement Projects

By: Eugene Makeev

Winter indicates the coming of the holidays when people are made busy with shopping and some even take the time to sun themselves at another tropical part of the world. But even with the chill that it brings, winter can also be one of the best times for New York City homeowners do those home improvement projects that are being saved for the spring or summer.

Though the cold months of winter is considered the off season with enhancing the living condition in your house as well as adding to its market value not a popular task, there are many benefits that many New York homeowners overlook. Given are several reasons why winter can also be a great time to have some home improvement projects done:

- Low, low prices. This is why shopping is especially popular at this time of the year. It’s because of the big discounts that stores offer making up for great buys. Because prices including that of home improvement project materials have considerably dropped, then you can be able to buy high quality products for the lowest possible cost. Because merchants aim to bring in customers even with the surrounding chill, hardware and home improvement stores arte mostly on sale.

- Special offers. Winter is the time when most businesses, including the contracting industry, are slowed down mostly because of the cold weather. This makes special offers a popular trend where different contractors compete for clients through making their services extra attractive either through giving discounts or doing additional small jobs for free.

- Availability of contractors. Qualified contractors, who are not used to being cooped up inside their homes in inactivity, would be very glad to hear from you and are more than willing to do the job for you. Since the contractor you will be hiring is not as busy as the usual working seasons, you will be assured of more attention on the home improvement project from him. Even the littlest of details could earn ample focus and this will eventually bring about high quality project results.

Now that you know how rewarding doing some home improvement projects can be in the winter time, you might be thinking: So what do I undertake?

Obviously, home improvement projects that can be done indoors are viable. You can work on home organization and have the installation of cabinetry and additional shelving to keep your home free from clutter would prove to be extremely beneficial. Tiling, bathroom remodeling, flooring, kitchen remodeling, plumbing, just to name a few can also be done.

Even outdoor home improvement projects can be tackled during this cold season for the family to be able to enjoy the property fully in the coming spring and summer. As not everyday can be snowing or as cold, you can take care of the fence repair since the shrubs are not in full bloom giving you more access to the fence. Winter is also the best time to be pruning your trees in the area because broken and dead branches can easily be spotted without the leaves. To prepare for the coming rainy season, now is also the best time to repair or cover the gutters. And you can even take care of renovation such as turning your porch into a comfort6able sunroom for you to enjoy on sunny days.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Arranging Wall Art

By: Krasen Tomav

When decorating a room, you have many aspects to consider. There is the furniture. There is the carpet. There is the color scheme. However, one component of the room that you should not overlook is the wall decor. Aside from using the standard interior paint and wallpaper, you should consider the myriad of wall decor options, such as wall art.

Wall decor helps to add special pizzazz to a room, like hot sauce to a dish. However, function is equally as important as form. It is vital that you take into consideration various factors, such as the style and color scheme of the room, when choosing wall decor. Here are some guidelines for choosing the right decorations for a room in your house:

1. Consider various features of the room.

When choosing wall decor, keep in mind various characteristics of the room, such as the color, style, and function. The decor that you choose can have a significant impact on the emotions or atmosphere that a room creates, the moment you step into it. Here are some tips to achieve various objectives:

• For a modern style, consider black and white decor to create a chic atmosphere.

• For a calming aura in the room, use neutral colors and parallel landscapes.

• For a room that you use for entertaining guests, use art decor with vivid colors, and images that create a festive mood in onlookers.

2. Create balance and a focal point

The overall key is that the wall decor creates a sense of balance in the room. To create an intriguing focal point, compile a set of wall art. Furthermore, use some creativity when creating the arrangement, so the wall decor is eye-catching. Finally, the right lighting will help to highlight your collection of wall decor.

3. Strategically place wall decor above furniture

You should use some basic approaches when positioning wall decor above furniture pieces. When placing the wall decor above a sofa, place it either at eye-level, or roughly 6-9 inches above the sofa. An easy way to determine where to place the wall decor is to place your arm flush against the sofa's back. Then turn your arm upwards until it is perpendicular with the sofa's back, to determine how high to place the wall decor. Ignore the strange looks you get from your family members, while doing this task.

When placing art decor above oversized furniture, you should create a collection of roughly 2-3 pieces. The pieces should create a powerful visual effect, through means such as the color of the wall decor.

4. Arrange wall decor based on a room's eye-level

Aside from cautiously choosing the wall decor, you should also consider several factors when arranging the wall decor. You should place the wall art slightly above eye-level. What exactly is "eye-level"? The main usage of the room dictates this level. In other words, if people mainly sit in the room, such as in a living room or recreational room, then base "eye-level" on the level of those who are seated. However, if people are typically standing in the room, such as in a kitchen, then the "eye level" should be from the standing position.

How to Fertilize Bonsai Trees

by: Chrisetina Jones

Bonsai trees, like all other living things, should have food for survival. Unlike the roots of ordinary trees that grow for further distances seeking nutrition, the roots of bonsai trees are controlled to grow inside the tray & hence they will be able to obtain merely whatever nutrition is present in the soil inside the tray. Therefore, the soil within the tray must be often re-furnished with the apt amount of nutrients.

The procedure of adding nutrients to the soil in which plants grow is termed 'Fertilizing' & it's a major section of bonsai tree care. The nutrients available in the fertilizer will aid the bonsai tree to produce its own food by a procedure termed 'Photosynthesis'. The amount & type of fertilizer to be endow for bonsai tree care is mainly dependant on conditions such as:

* Variety of bonsai tree

* How old is the bonsai tree

* Time of the year in which the bonsai is fertilized

The fundamental nutrients in fertilizers are Nitrogen, Phosphorous & Potassium, mixed in various shares for various fertilizers. You must apply fertilizer throughout the development season of the tree; starting early spring until mid autumn. Indoor trees nevertheless can be fertilized around the year. It is advisable to apply higher quantity of fertilizer recurrently (like once in two weeks) for young trees, & keep reducing the amount & rate of recurrence as the tree matures.

In order to provide correct bonsai tree care, on no account over-fertilize. Surplus fertilizer results in burning of roots & leaves. Burned roots are not competent enough for absorbing water from the soil & relaying it on to the various sections of the bonsai tree. On account of over-fertilizing, continue to water the plant until the water pours outside the drain hole & allow it to deplete. Then re-water it. This procedure is known as leaching & will help to discard surplus fertilizers.

Things to bear in mind:

* At all times water the bonsai tree previous to adding the fertilizer.

* Endeavor to utilize a water soluble fertilizer.

* On no account fertilize an ill plant until it has grown healthy.

* Although if it's a development season, do not add fertilizer to a inactive outdoor bonsai until it demonstrates signal of development. If it is indoors, you can add fertilizer less frequently, like once in a month.

With apt bonsai tree care, by adding the right amount of fertilizer at the right instance, you'll be able to grow & maintain a healthy bonsai tree.