November 18, 2009

How to Save Money With the Help of a Plumber and Green Plumbing Methods

By: Andrew Stratton

Looking to cut back on the household bills while doing something that's good for the planet and generations to come? The solution to this problem is easier than you may think.

By simply hiring a plumber to install "green plumbing" methods in your home, you can significantly cut down on your monthly payments to the Water Company and electric company, while doing something good for the environment at the same time.

As you may already know, earth's inhabitants are consuming the fresh water supply at an alarming rate. In the United States alone, 6.8 billion gallons of water are wasted daily just by flushing toilets. Another statistic shows that over half of our states anticipate fresh water shortages in the next 10 years as a result of such waste.

Believe it or not green plumbing methods have a direct impact on our environment and the long-term health of our planet. One of the first ways green plumbing impacts the environment is in the area of water conservation.

However, a green plumber can work his plumbing magic to significantly reduce the amount of waste coming from our homes in the form of toilet flushing, leaky taps or high flow fixtures.

For example, a plumber may install a high efficiency toilet to help cut back on the amount of water used throughout the day. Similarly, a good plumber can also install systems to harvest rainwater for toilet flushing and other tasks to avoid using the fresh water supply at all.

Faucets with a 'low flow' or front loader washing machines can also be installed to reduce the daily water intake from the household.

And while the reduction of water will help conserve our precious resources, it also helps to reduce the monthly water bill as well. Furthermore, some states are even offering cash back rebates for homeowners that purchase and install these high efficiency products that reduce waste.

Again, a good plumber who is knowledgeable in the area of green plumbing can direct the homeowner to these rebates and other bonus for installing eco-friendly products in the home.

In addition to saving on water costs, hiring a green plumber can also help to cut back on a person's monthly electric bill. Specifically, the plumber can install a solar hot water heater in place of a traditional hot water heater powered by oil or gas heat.

Now rather than wasting energy when taking a hot shower, running the dishwasher or doing anything else that requires hot water, a solar hot water heater will harvest the energy from the sun, free of charge to the homeowner.

And as mentioned before, certain states offer rebates to help cover the installation of a solar hot water heater, as it helps to further the states 'ultimate goal' of preserving the planet and community in which we live.

But remember, not all plumbers specialize in green plumbing methods or savvy ways to save money on the heating or electric bill via their services. In that case, be sure to be upfront with the plumber on what you expect out of the job and the long term goals you have for the reduction of your monthly water and energy costs.