Window shades and Venetian blinds are two of the most versatile and functional window coverings that exist today. Both allow you to adjust the level of light that enters your room through multiple methods. Window coverings are a great way to keep the damaging UV rays of the sun from damaging carpet, fabrics, and furniture in your home. Perhaps the most important reason to have window covering in your home however, is the fashion statement they have come to make in recent years.
Most people haven’t really considered the fashion impact that window shades can have on your windows. For quite a few, these are simply inexpensive ways in which to keep the sun out. For this reason, you will often find homes that seem to have no rhyme, reason, or style as far as the window treatments go. Do not allow yourself to be a victim of no style window treatments due to budget restraints or lack of imagination.
If you have a décor that is country or rustic avoid shiny window treatments or vinyl that is so common in mini blinds. If you must use blinds then try for wooden blinds rather than the traditional vinyl or plastic looking blinds. However, the best window treatments for rooms such as this are those that include hinged shutters or window shades that are made with bunched fabric.
If your décor has a touch of the Orient, then you might be glad to know some of the least expensive window treatments on the market will work wonderfully. Bamboo shades are ideal for this type of décor as are blinds made from rice paper. Both of these are rather inexpensive and can greatly enhance the appearance of an oriental room. They also blend well with furniture that is oriental in appearance, particularly teak and rattan.
If you have an Italian Modern décor in your home, then Venetian blinds are probably the best possible choice for your window treatments. You may find that the modern look of Venetian blinds is just what the designer had in mind but take care that you do not go overboard and have your room looking institutional rather than modern.
If you’re going for an ultra modern look then brightly colored roll down shades might provide just the right accent for the vinyl or plastic looking furniture associated with this particular look. Venetian blinds blend well with the ultra modern look particularly if you go with some sort of interesting veneer for the blinds that will properly offset the attitude of the room. Good examples of this would be faux leather or colors representing a by gone era such as bright orange or brown.
Of course appearance isn’t everything practicality should play an important role in the decisions you are making as well. For instance, rice paper window treatments aren’t the best idea for bedroom windows as they do very little to keep the light out.
There is really no reason other than a complete and total lack of imagination to have drab window dressings in this day and age. Roll down shades and Venetian blinds can be found in any number of styles and designs that are suitable for almost any décor. You can even purchase them in nursery colors if you are so inclined. Leather Venetian blinds offer a creative touch to libraries or home offices and window shades can be purchased to compliment nearly any décor or just to identify a particular hobby or passion. Perhaps the most important thing to keep in mind is that today’s window coverings are probably more affordable than ever before while allowing for a great deal of versatility and creativity.
Home Improvement, Home Security, Family Security, Utilities, Equipment, House, Furniture Guide, Buying Guide
March 31, 2009
Window Coverings: Offers a Functional and Stylish Look
by: Rob Buenaventura