September 16, 2009

You Too, Can Care For Those Bonsai Trees

by: Christine McKinnon

Ever looked in awe at the stunning, miniaturized beauty of a Bonsai tree and wondered how hard Bonsai trees care is? Or, like me, have you had one, and it died? Well let me let you into a secret - care of bonsai trees is not hard. All you need is a little knowledge.

Bonsai is the art of growing trees and shrubs in miniature - and training them into beautiful art forms. To help create those aesthetic shapes, growers use special techniques. You do not need much in the way of special tools - just a basic tree, a small pot and the know how. That makes it a relatively inexpensive and very satisfying occupation.

Did you know the oldest living bonsai tree is around 500 years old? It is a five-needle pine first posted around 1610. It's now housed in the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. How has it survived so long, and could you start a bonsai that can be handed down from generation to generation within your family for hundreds of years? Of course you can. You just need a few clues on bonsai trees care.

The easiest way to start is to buy a bonsai from a garden centre or specialist. There's a huge variety to choose from as almost any woody-stemmed tree or shrub can be turned into a bonsai.

The trick of bonsai tree care is getting the right one for your climate and knowing when to keep it inside or put it outside. Choice will come down to which sculptured silhouette you find most pleasing.

If you have an already-potted bonsai, it can stay in the pot for many years - but it will eventually need to be repotted. Again you need to know when and choosing the right pot can also be critical.

Basic bonsai tree care is just like caring for any other plant, it comes down to the key elements of watering, soil, temperature and light.

Knowing just how much to water is crucial. The bonsai's whole world is bound in one little pot. Too much water and it's suffering a flood - too little and it's a drought, and going from one to another is a vicious cycle will quickly kill your treasured plant.

To care properly for bonsai trees, you also need to ensure they are checked regularly for pests and diseases. Indoor trees tend to suffer most of these, as insects also love the shelter provided by being indoors. The leaves and branches of your tree will also benefit from gentle cleaning.

It's vital you choose the right soil and also that you apply just the right amount of fertilizer and in the right season. Pruning is another crucial element to correct care of bonsai trees. Pruning of a bonsai involves not only the branches, but also the roots. You need to know how to select the right roots to keep and how much root to cut off. Pruning branches must be done carefully and thoughtfully to ensure you end up with the your desired, and most aesthetically pleasing shape.

It might seem like a lot to consider, but once you have mastered the techniques of bonsai trees care, it takes very little time especially when you consider the hours of pleasure your bonsai trees will give you, your friends and generations of your family to come.