September 8, 2009

Selecting the Right Tools for the Kitchen

by: Jane Taylor

It’s not just first impressions that count with customers. Tarnished silverware, old pots and pans and dated appliances all have the ability to make your patrons feel unhappy with their dining experience. In many cases, seasoned restaurateurs would attest that aside from the actual dining room, the kitchen comes a close second when people are determining whether they’ve had an enjoyable experience.

Selecting the right kitchen tools and utensils is imperative to putting your best foot forward with your customers. Needless to say, it is crucial that you take the time to research your purchases before making the investment. Not only will you have a well run kitchen, but you will be able to present your kitchen as an addition to the dining room instead of hiding it away behind closed doors.

When selecting your kitchen equipment, there are few items that you just can’t skimp on if you want to have an efficient kitchen.

Pots and Pans: For any professional, their utensils are like pieces of art. This appreciation will rub off on to your customers. By selecting a wide variety of solid, quality made pots and pans, your cooks and chefs will be inspired to create great dishes that will keep patrons coming back for more.

Knives: Any chef will tell you that it’s not “service” that takes up most of their time. It’s the preparation. Working with substandard knives not only takes chefs far longer to prepare, but the actual presentation of the food is sometimes lacking. When purchasing knives, make sure they are made of high quality materials, come with a warranty and are easy to sharpen and maintain.

Appliances: Think of the appliances you have in your kitchen at home. You’ll need all of these items and more for a commercial kitchen. Dishwashers, microwaves, blenders and grillers are all essentials. When researching these items, take into consideration the warranties, support and service as well as pricing.

But one of the key pieces of equipment you’ll be buying is the gas stove. There are many varieties of burners all with different heat outputs and intensities. Many proprietors choose to use natural gas, but in more remote areas, owners often use gas tanks.

When purchasing your gas cook top, ask the supplier about additional accessories you will need for the equipment to run efficiently. You’ll most likely need hoses, connector kits, casters and some other bits and pieces.

After all the research is done and the purchases have been made, your staff can now make wonderful dishes that customers will keep returning for time and time again.