Introduction Rugs are a part of every home. Whether they be fine oriental rugs or simpler area rugs, people want to know about their rugs so that they can make informed decisions. It is therefore imperative to know the attributes of a competent rug appraiser and a comprehensive rug appraisal.
Rugs have long been considered as more than ‘just something to cover the floor with’. In fact some rugs are so painstakingly and exquisitely made; they are more a work of art rather than a mere floor covering. Rugs differ widely in their quality, looks, construction, price and country of origin. Doing an unqualified comparison of rugs is as baseless as trying to compare apples and oranges. A proper evaluation of a rug that you own or intend owning is best done through a professional, qualified rug appraiser, who will assess and evaluate your rug based on certain approved criteria.
Why you need to get your rug appraised
A rug appraisal done by a professional rug appraiser helps you ascertain the rug’s correct value. This is important if you are planning on putting down a lot of money to purchase an expensive rug or if you are planning on selling or insuring an expensive rug that you own. Rugs get chewed up by puppies and are prone to all kinds of spills, tears and burns. An appraisal helps you estimate the damage done as well as the amount you need to claim from insurance for repair and restoration.
Rug appraisal is also done for a whole host of other reasons including:
· Estate and tax planning
· Asset management
· Gift tax documentation
· Collateral loan agreements
· Probate and succession
· Charitable contributions
How a rug is appraised
Ever tried counting the knots-per-square-inch on your rug yourself? Don’t!!! It could tie you up in knots and leave you completely befuddled and cross-eyed. What’s more, while knots-per-square-inch is one of the important factors in any rug appraisal, it certainly isn’t the only factor.
Rug appraisal is a highly specialized undertaking that requires considerable skill and an experienced eye. The criteria for rug appraisals include:
· Country of origin
· Knots per square inch
· Quality and type of pile, warp and weft
· Sheen or patina of the rug
· Intricacy of design
· Type of dye
· Dimensions of the rug
· Rug repair history
· Condition of the rug at the time of appraisal
What an appraisal certificate includes
A Certificate of Authenticity should accompany every professional rug appraisal, which states the details of the rug including its estimated age, country of origin, dye type, uniqueness of pattern and repair history and present condition. This certificate should be signed by the rug appraiser , who will also mention the market value of the rug based on additional factors such as rarity, uniqueness and availability. Keep a picture of every appraised rug as additional ‘before and after’ proof in case of any eventuality.
It typically takes a brief time to appraise the rug, after which the certified appraisal document can either be handed over to you personally or mailed to you.
How to choose a rug appraiser?
Rug appraisal is best done by someone who deals with rugs on a regular basis. This gives the rug appraiser a constant hands-on experience, which enhances his ability to make a preliminary evaluation of the rug just by sight and feel. A rug appraiser who is in the business of buying and selling rugs is in constant touch with current market conditions and is in a better position to give you an accurate market evaluation of your rug. This can come in very handy if you own an expensive rug, which you want to sell. The rug appraiser can advice you as to how much you can expect to get for it in the prevailing market conditions. He could also give you previous advice on whether it would be better to hold on to the rug and perhaps sell it at a later date.
Home Improvement, Home Security, Family Security, Utilities, Equipment, House, Furniture Guide, Buying Guide
December 24, 2008
The Quintessential Rug Appraiser
Choosing The Right Pool For You
When considering building a new swimming pool, there is no shortage of options. You can spend over $50,000 building your perfect backyard retreat, or $2,000 on an above ground eyesore. The important thing is to pick a pool that that is within your budget at the time you build it, and has maintenance costs that are similarly within your budget.
Types of pools
Above ground – Above ground pools are popular because of the greatly reduced costs, but are generally not very durable and can spontaneously bust, flooding your backyard with hundreds of gallons of chlorinated water. They are also generally not very attractive. On the plus side, it is harder for small children to fall into the pool as they are generally at last 3-4 feet above the ground.
Best for- low budget installations
Vinyl Pools – Inground Vinyl pools are definitely more attractive than above ground pools, but are more expensive. They are numerous liner patterns and colors, which can add a more customized look to your pool. This type of pool is traditionally rectangular, but other shapes are possible. Significant excavation is usually required, and the ground under the pool liner is generally lined with sand so the pool liner has a smooth surface on which to rest. Vinyl-specific coping (the edge of the pool) and decking (the “deck” area that surrounds the pool are used. All openings are sealed to prevent leakage and the area surrounding the pool is prepared to support the pool. Vinyl pools typically do not last as long as concrete pools and have greater maintenance costs, but are a good choice for people who are concerned with upfront costs
Best for- reasonably aesthetically pleasing installations where upfront cost is a big concern
Concrete pools (Gunnite and Shotcrete)- The best, most beautiful pools are made with sprayed concrete. One of the materials used is Shotcrete. Shotcrete is concrete conveyed through a hose and pneumatically projected at high velocity onto the pool surface. The other commonly used material is Gunnite. Gunnite is a dry cement mixture blown through a hose to the nozzle, where the water is injected immediately prior to application. Shotcrete is a wet-mix process, where as Gunnite is a dry mix process. From a homeowners perspective, either material is probably fine, though the pool building company you use will probably have a preferred material.
Concrete pools can be customized to exactly what you want. Waterfalls, natural looking rock, and other features are possible with concrete pools. Gunnite and Shotcrete pools are finished with pool plaster, which is available in a variety of colors. Diamondbrite and Pebble Tec are the two most common pool plastering materials in use, and come in dozens of possible finishes. Concrete pools are infinitely customizable and the most durable building method.
Best for- aesthetically pleasing installations where long term maintenance of the pool is a concern. Most customizable after installation (If you want to add features or change colors later).
Reinvent Yourself with Blue World Pool
Life is a permutation and combination of ups and downs. The ups or rather our success makes us work even harder and the downs and failures make us strive to achieve the best. Today’s life seems to be all surrounded by stress, pressure and targets. In such a case we barely get any chance to relax and calm down and enjoy life. As the day ends we try to relax by watching the same old television shows or by partying with friends. But at times we do want to relax and enjoy life just by being with ourselves. In this case a blue world pool can become our best friend. A nice, refreshing, swim can help us to come out with the day’s tiredness and be all relaxed and chilled.
Installing a blue world pool at your place can be the one solution to all your problems. A nice and a refreshing swim in your personalized blue world pool can help you do away with those backaches, body pains, high blood pressure and any other disease that results from the lack of daily exercise. In fact our lifestyle barely allows us to follow any regular exercise routine. In this case you can always come back from your office and jump into your blue world pool and indulge in some water exercises that will help you to get relief from your body pains and help you to live a healthy life.
Blue world pool is one of the most trusted names among swimming pool manufacturers and installers. Getting a personalized blue world pool installed at your place gives you a chance to reinvent yourself and fall in love with life once again. Blue world pool offers some of the most luxurious swimming experiences in the pool at your own place. You can simply gather with your friends and family members at any point of a day and enjoy yourself in the pool and indulge in some of the most relaxing and fun loving moments. Once you decide that you want to get a personalized swimming pool installed at your place, you should immediately contact blue world pool as they will make sure that you along with your peers and friends get to spend nice and enjoyable swimming sessions in your backyard.
A blue world pool dealer will make sure that you get all the luxuries of a swimming pool at your doorstep and that every evening you get to spend some time with yourself and your loved ones. The only thing that you will need to ensure is that you find a trustworthy blue world pool dealer who can assure you with a hygienic and a good blue world pool. A blue world pool has much utility. A blue world pool can help you relax; enjoy life with your loved ones. Moreover Blue world pool can help you to go healthy in a very short span of time. The perfect way to good health in an enjoyable manner seems too good to be true. So get yourself a blue world pool and reinvent yourself.
A Blue World Pool Can Upgrade Your Standard Of Living
As we run faster to keep up with life, we find life moving far ahead of us. The increased stress in our daily existence, the raised standard of living, the transformation of luxury items into items of necessity are all indicators of this changing lifestyle. In this scenario if we can lay our hands on something that makes us a go higher up the social ladder while at the same time be a welcome break from the daily humdrum of life, we would feel elated. A swimming pool in our own backyard could be just that specific tool that we have been looking for. A phone call to a blue world pool dealer could change your lifestyle forever.
Unlike other luxury objects that we possess only for competing with our neighbors or upgrading our lifestyle, a blue world pool is an ideal gift that you can give yourself and your family. It not only makes you go a notch higher in the eyes of your friends but is also the best workout for a healthy body and mind. Installation of a blue world pool lets you say goodbye to crash dieting for weight loss and you can even bid farewell to all your body aches and pains. Water sports have been known to be the most injury-free sports. Installation of a blue world pool within the comfort of your home could encourage active participation of your family members in water sports which is known as one of the most injury-free sports.
Unwinding in your own blue world pool would be the best form of relaxation after a hard day at work. Water is known to have a soothing effect on the mind and a swim will not only relax your mind but do wonders for the knotted up nerves as well. A blue world pool installed in your backyard can also rid you of the guilt you feel for not spending adequate amount of quality time with your family members, such as a spouse or children. A swimming is also the ideal option for families that have aged people, people with chronic problems such as arthritis or pregnant women. A swim is the best form of physical exercise that can be carried out under any condition under the supervision of a competent doctor.
A party with close friends hosted by your poolside could work wonders for your image in the social circle. Even a chilled winter evening can be enjoyed with a barbecue by the poolside. The children or adults would not need to step out of their house to enjoy a fun time with friends. A blue world pool or hot tub installed by a reputed dealer can ensure daily recreation from the comfort of your own home. Also the cost of installing a pool is nominal when compared to the benefits that can be derived from this asset. The only factor to be kept in mind while getting a swimming pool installed is the reputation of the dealer and cross checking his references will ensure a trouble free experience. Now once you make up your mind about getting a blue world pool in your backyard you can go about finding out an authentic dealer who can provide you with a pool with a pool according to your preferred style and color.
Pamper Your Family With Blue World Pools
Achieving targets, meeting deadlines, demanding clients, running from one client meeting to another, hectic work schedule, forgetting wife’s birthday, failing to turn up at your kid’s PTA meeting, this is utter chaos! Do you find this happening in your life constantly? Well there is a permanent solution out of this chaos, if you are willing to invest a little money. Taking a vacation is undoubtedly a good solution for this, but this is not something which can be done permanently. You cannot just run off for a vacation every time you feel that the workload is becoming really hectic for you. So what you can do to unwind is get a swimming pool installed at your house instead of rushing off to the nearest holiday destination. A swimming pool is just the perfect outlet that will let you unwind and be on top of your work schedule without any worries.
Reputed swimming pool dealer Blue World Pool is the perfect swimming pool dealer whose services you should seek to install an aboveground swimming pool or on ground swimming pool at your place. First you need to have a talk with the professionals at Blue World Pools and tell them your exact requirements. It may appear to you that the space which you have in your backyard is not big enough for a swimming pool, or you may be concerned how to install the swimming pool; put all your worries to rest and just let the professionals handle everything for you.
Installing the swimming pool in your backyard takes care of many things at one time. But until you install the swimming pool, you will never realize how important the swimming pool is. So instead of pondering whether or not to install the swimming pool, it will be ideal if you just go ahead and install the swimming pool at your house. Once you have the swimming pool installed at your place, you have all the time in the world to indulge in various activities in the pool with your spouse, kids and friends. The pool is just the perfect place to hang out with your friends or just play in the water with your kids.
A swimming pool is also the perfect place for you to enjoy a romantic evening with your spouse or partner. Refreshing drinks, light music and soft romantic numbers playing in the stereo sets the perfect mood and ambience for romance. The settings are just perfect for a romantic interlude, so ahead and do it, your partner will just adore you for this thoughtful gesture. Work is no doubt an important aspect of your life, but you must make sure that you do not get so involved with your work, that you literally forget to live your life fully. Just some thoughtful gestures on your part and some intelligent decisions like installing a swimming pool in your backyard is enough for you to catch up on doing all that you have been missing, for getting too involved with your work.
December 22, 2008
Create Your Own Exotic Paradise With Teak Patio Furniture
Teak patio furniture may be expensive to purchase but it will last for a lifetime. The richness and texture of this exotic wood will help you create the ultimate relaxing retreat in your own backyard.
If you are looking for a distinctive, high quality set of patio furniture you may want to give serious consideration to a set made of teak. Originating from South East Asia the warm tones of this closed-grained hardwood are guaranteed to make any piece of furniture stand out. It can very successfully bring an understated touch of the exotic to your backyard, blending in to perfection with the garden. You will find that its texture sets out foliage and flowers to perfection, allowing you to create the relaxing and opulent outdoors haven you deserve.
Looking after your new set of teak patio furniture could not be much easier. The wood itself is extremely durable and weather resistant and should last a lifetime. The only special care you may consider is to sand it down three or four times a year and work in some teak oil with a piece of cloth to maintain the golden color of the wood and prevent it from dulling over time. Teak is in fact such a long lasting wood that you never need worry about creaks and breaks: it is extremely resilient and will survive the most violent weathers unscathed. In that sense it is more than just another purchase to deck out your backyard.
The truth is that such outstanding qualities do come at a price, but in the end you really get your money’s worth. Buying a set of teak patio furniture is a long lasting investment, as the beautiful furniture is designed to provide year after year of stylish comfort. It may be worth building up your set piece by piece if finances are a bit tight, adding such pieces as loungers and a glider to enjoy the lazy summer afternoons from. There is no need to clean up your bank account all in one go and you can still enjoy the luxury of teak furniture by building your ideal set as and when you can afford to acquire new pieces. Teak may be on the expensive side but with a set of teak patio furniture in your backyard you will feel like you are on a far flung exotic island simply by stepping out into the garden, for a fraction of the cost of a long haul family vacation.
Teak is the ultimate exotic luxury. With a teak patio furniture set you can escape your day to day world and relax in your own private corner of paradise. The richness and texture of teak will indulge your senses every time you step outside.
Furnish Your Home on a Budget
Let’s face it – you need furniture. Sure, you can cut corners by going Japanese and using your coffee table as the dining table, or by transforming your living room into a Middle Eastern pillow lounge. But in the end, you’ll need at least a few basic pieces of furniture, even for the most spartan of living conditions. Don’t worry – saving money on your furniture is easy and doesn't mean sacrificing the quality of the product. Just follow some of these easy guidelines.
Look for furniture on sale
This might seem a little obvious, but if you really put the effort into sniffing out the best sales, you could save a bundle on furniture. More often than not, the best deals on furniture come every January and July. And if you’re looking for outdoor furniture, August is best.
Also check back at the end of every month. The majority of the furniture companies function on monthly basis – computing their sales, releasing their promotions and introducing new furniture. There may be certain items that won't be offered the following month, so these lines of products may be offered at a very low price. And since most of the furniture companies pay sales people on commission, they’ll be a little more desperate to make the sale when the month is running out.
Apply for the credit card being offered by the furniture shop
This is a tricky one. You can get a great deal on your furniture purchase with the retailer’s in-store credit cards. Depending on the store and the sale, you may be able to reduce or eliminate your interest payments and sales tax, or you may be offered a special discount available only to cardholders. All you have to do is apply for this credit card and you can get discounts on anything you want.
But be careful when using this strategy. The temptation is to spend beyond your means just because you have the available credit. Read the fine print of the terms and conditions carefully. If you’re confident you can pay off your bill in the allotted time, then you’ll be fine. If not, be careful – interest rates after your introductory period may jump as high as $25%!
Search online
If you’ve seen a certain piece of furniture you like in a store near you or in your favorite magazine, check the internet for a better price. Get as much information about the manufacturer and the piece name and Google it – you may be able to find some deep discounts. But don’t forget to check the shipping rates and taxes that may be applied to your purchase or you might not be saving as much as you think.
Buy used furniture
Buying second-hand is great because it saves you money and reuses materials that might otherwise wind up in the landfill. Check your telephone book for local thrift shops, reuse centers or charity shops. Be creative! If you find a nice sturdy couch you love, but the fabric’s worn thin, you can have it reupholstered or covered in new slipcovers.
If you live near a college town (especially a wealthy college town), you’re in luck. Watch the thrift stores extra closely each spring around move-out time – you’ll be amazed at the things students will leave behind. Better yet, if you know someone who will be moving soon, offer to take that old piece of furniture off their hands. They may be so excited not to have to deal with moving it themselves that you’ll get a great price, or even a free piece of furniture. Before you know it, you’ll be on your way to your very own, fully furnished home.
Build Your Own Wooden Swing Set From Plans
You can easily build your own wooden swing set or glider by getting a detailed plan online or through your local hardware store. Plans come with full, easy to follow instructions as well as precise lists of everything you need to complete the project successfully.
If you are thinking of building a wooden swing set for your backyard you should definitely check out the internet. There are loads of plans available to download online at the click of a mouse. You may also be able to find plans at your local hardware store, or even from a swing set retailer. The building plans are designed for people who have no previous building experience so anyone can succeed without too much time or effort invested in the project.
The plans always come with a very detailed list of everything you will need to complete the build. They list all the hardware you will need in great detail, all the accessories and swing seats as well as exact measurement of every piece of wood require to complete the swing set.
In addition to the list of things you will need the plans usually anticipate your next question: where to get the stuff from. Swing sets require specialist hardware and anchors to be safe to use, which can sometimes be difficult to find locally. With a list of suppliers including online retailers that stock the pieces you need the plans take out any possible frustration that may otherwise have come with such a project.
The plans will detail the exact measurement of all the required pieces of timber. It is absolutely essential that you make sure the wood you purchase is either pre-treated to resist outdoor conditions, or that you take the time to make it weather resistant by treating it yourself before you start building the set. This step is definitely not a waste of time if you want to make sure that your new swing set doesn’t get completely ruined at the first sign of rain!
It is worth noting that if you not feel confident that you can find all the necessary hardware on your own you can still have some fun building your own wooden swing set. There is another option available to you: in addition to plans you can also purchase swing set kits. While these may cost you a little more they do come will all the necessary hardware and accessories, which should save you quite a bit of time.
Enjoy Sauna Benefits
If you enjoy using gyms and fitness suites, you may have wondered about the health contribution of the often-present sauna. Benefits of sauna use include improved respiratory function, healthier skin and a stronger heart, yet still very few people take advantage of them. Perhaps it's hard to believe that sitting around relaxing can do you so much good, but sauna benefits are real and can make a big difference to your overall health.
It's easy enough to understand how a sauna benefits the lungs. Breathing in hot, steamy air is a common treatment for a cold. A sauna benefits the lungs by cleaning out mucus and improving blood flow in the surrounding capillaries, stimulating the delicate passageways in the lungs which don't always get used. This can help to fight lung infections such as bronchitis. A sauna benefits other areas of the respiratory system such as the sinuses, which is why sauna benefits can include getting rid of headaches.
Regular use of a sauna benefits the skin by improving blood flow across it, bringing it a better supply of nutrients. This occurs because the body responds to heat by relaxing blood vessels in the skin, trying to cool down by letting heat escape through them. The skin also enjoys sauna benefits through sweating, which cleanses the pores.
Other notable sauna benefits include exercise for the heart. Using a sauna benefits the heart by increasing the speed at which it pumps blood around the body, another natural response to heat. This is equivalent to working out on exercise machines, which is why sauna benefits are appropriate to the gym environment.
With so many sauna benefits available, why not include a sauna visit next time you go to the gym? A sauna benefits so many aspects of your health that it'll leave you feeling revitalised and ready for anything.
What Buyers Should Know About Homes For Sale
If you’re looking at homes for sale you may think you don’t need to know much about selling a house. You‘d be wrong. Even in a buyer’s market, knowing what sellers are doing to make homes for sale more attractive will give you a leg up. Homes for sale in your market can look better or worse than they are- depending no the steps sellers take.
Homes for Sale: Great Expectations Meet Buyer’s Expectations
While most everyone knows that buyers set the prices of homes for sale, this is a truth sellers often tend to forget. Your tour of homes for sale in your desired market is bound to uncover overpriced houses where hopeful owners set prices based on wishful thinking rather than reality. The good news for you? Typically, these are the listings that eventually show up under “Reduced Homes for Sale” banners. Most buyers suspect that a reduced price, or being on the market for a while, means that there is something wrong with a home. But often, the only problem was that it was overpriced in the first place. Keep an eye open for these reduced homes for sale; you can stumble upon a real bargain, as the owner gets less greedy and more desperate to sell.
Homes for Sale: First Impression
Informed sellers will make a real effort to give a good first impression. That’s why so many homes for sale have freshly paved driveways, just-planted flowers, and newly mulched flowerbeds. You do want to have a good first impression- but don’t be too swayed by it. Curbside appeal of homes for sale has nothing to do with the structural integrity and overall care of the home. On the other hand, a well-maintained gem may not shine if the owner wasn’t savvy enough to address those outer details. You job is to look at homes for sale with a critical eye: water damage, wood decay and mold are far more important than a fresh coat of paint.
Homes for Sale: Picture Perfect
The other thing to be aware of is how homes for sale are portrayed in those glossy real estate magazines you’re bound to pick up. Unless the seller is working with an experienced and wise realtor, cars in the driveway or junk in the yard may clutter the photos of homes for sale. Does this matter to you? It depends. The car in the photo doesn’t matter. It just tells you a novice was taking the picture. What about clutter in the yard? Well, it may tell you about how well homes in the area are maintained. But you won’t really know until you visit for yourself. Again, your job is to look beyond the picture the seller and his or her realtor are trying to paint in order to get the real picture. Visit other homes for sale in the same neighborhood to get an idea of comparable prices. Look closely at walls for signs of water or wood damage. Finally, remember to have an inspection done of any homes for sale you are seriously considering. It’s easy to plant a few flowers- but not so easy to replace damaged floorboards.
December 17, 2008
Outdoor Teak Gliders: Build Your On Swing Sets
If you want to save quite a bit of money getting a great swing set for your kids, have a look online. There are many websites offering free, detailed and straightforward instructions on how to build a set for your kids.
If you are looking into getting a swing set for your kids to have fun in the backyard, you should really consider building it yourself. There are loads of easy to follow instructions on how to go about building a set, available to download free of charge online. Plenty of website offer free to download plans to build just about anything, including a wide variety of swing sets that are both fund and easy to put up.
You need not be a master craftsman or builder to successfully follow the instructions. Those plans are designed with regular folk in mind, with very detailed, step-by-step guidelines on how to get from start to finish. It goes a long way towards making sure you have quite a bit of fun putting the project together rather than frustrated or stressed. The instructions are also very detailed about what you need to get, both materials and tools, to complete the various steps. They will also list online suppliers and building merchants so you can find all the specialist items without getting a headache.
The only thing that really needs to be done is to look up a set of plan online, print it up and get started. With detailed instructions building a swing set for your kids should really be quite a bit of fun, and you can even involve them in the project by getting them to help out.
If you are not very confident getting a plan off the internet, you can try the websites of trusted builders merchants, retail stores and magazines. It may take a little bit more detective work to locate the plans you are after but you should be able to find what you are looking for.
By building your own set of swings for the kids you are in total control of your budget: you do not have to compromise on paying for features the kids won’t like, or pay over the odds for shipping. You can select the base materials yourself so you are not only in charge of the quality but you can also save quite a bit of cash in the process, yet still have a really cool play sets for your family.
An Alternative To Outdoor Teak Gliders
You can get the perfect swing set for your younger kids from a great company called Little Tikes. Their plastic play centers are adapted to the under eight, durable, offer great value for money.
If you are looking to buy a swing set for you kids and want to make sure you pick a trustworthy manufacturer, then you should definitely check out a company called Little Tikes. They specialize in making very high quality toys and play sets and are one of the best in the market, with a great reputation for equipment designed for kids under eight years of age. Getting a swing set for your kids is a great idea but it is even better if you get one that is specially made for the younger children: it does make a real difference on how much enjoyment your little ones will be able to get out of their swing set.
As the Little Tikes are designed with the under eight in mind you will find that they pay particular attention to safety features. They are essentially made out of plastic, which lessens the risk of injury, but mostly their proportions are adapted to the age group they are intended for. That means for instance that the swing sets tend to be lower than most other models available, which not only makes it safer for younger children but also more accessible. It’s easy to see why being easier to access would mean that the kids are likely to get more fun out of their new swing set.
When you are looking at selecting a new play sets for your children, you want to make sure it has plenty of accessories to keep them entertained in the long run. This means that play centers are usually better value for money as they offer loads of options and accessories. Little Tikes swing sets, in that respect, are better than most: not only do they come with all the fun bits your kids will love to play with time and time again, but they are priced with a family budget in mind, too, so you need not sink your budget in the process.
The play centers and swing sets from Little Tikes are really great and you should most definitely consider one for your kids, especially if they are under eight years old. The designs are not only safe and adapted to younger kids but also easy for parents to put together. And as they are made of plastic, they are guaranteed to last year after year without much upkeep. Look them up online to find a good deal and your kids will soon be able to have can have some serious fun one their new swing sets.
Outdoor Teak Gliders: Swing Sets & Play Centers
If you're in the market for a play center for your family, you may want to consider a ChildLife swing set. Their sets are upgradeable and of classic design, ensuring many years keeping the kids entertained in the backyard
When it comes to selecting a trustworthy manufacturer to purchase a swing set from, ChildLife is a company to be reckoned with. For over sixty years they have been building and supplying all manner of play sets. They come in many different models and you should be able to find the perfect set for your kids amongst the numerous types on offer.
ChildLife is well known for supplying seven different models of classic play sets that are selling as well today as they have been for years, which is a testament to how reliable and timeless their designs are. Some of the familiar features you will find on their play centers include all time favorites like monkey bars and sand boxes, slides, trapezes and rope climbing.
Without a doubt the most important thing in ensuring that your kids do not get bored of their swing set quickly. ChildLife swing sets are perfect to make sure that this is not the case as most come with built in upgrade capabilities so the swing set can grow with your family and keep your kids entertained for many years. This is the measure of a great investment as it will stand the test of time without having to get replaced every so often and will always be adapted to your kids, however old they are.
In truth you would be hard pressed to find a better swing set for your children than one of the ChildLife models. Their play centers are great whatever your kids age, and are future proof as they can adapt to your kids growing up too. ChildLife also understands another key aspect of family life: their play centers and swing sets are priced to fit in with your family's budget, so you don't have to worry about getting into debt to keep your kids entertained in the backyard.
Most retailers stocking swing sets carry the ChildLife brand so you should be able to locate a local supplier easily, and once you've seen what they're like compared to the competition you will probably make your decision to purchase one for your kids straight away. The design features, price and quality of the ChildLife swing sets do really speak for themselves.
Rta Furniture Is Europe’s Savings Solution For Fine Furniture
Ready to assemble furniture, known as RTA furniture to retailers, has been popular in Europe for years but is only now becoming popular in the United States. The popularity of RTA is now rising quickly, however, because it offers a practical, money-saving way to invest in high quality home furnishings.
Purchasing high quality bedroom or dining room sets can set you back thousands of dollars when you shop at a high end furniture store. When you add in the difficulty in finding what you really want (often visiting several stores before deciding), the lengthy time involved before receiving an order and the high cost of shipping, furniture shopping can turn into a nightmare. Europeans have known the solution for years – RTA furniture can be shipped much more quickly because it isn’t pre-assembled and the cost is much less because there are no assembly fees and the shipping is much more reasonable.
Most RTA furniture is sold online, giving you a world of options and styles to choose from. Rather than spend weeks trying to visit different traditional furniture showrooms and trying to fit them into your schedule, you simply spend an evening online. Greater variety is available because you can look for particular woods, grains and styles and most furniture sets are available in several finishes. Since everything is shipped from large warehouses, there’s no waiting for a “special order” that could take weeks or even months.
RTA Provides Quality at Lower Cost
Is RTA furniture of the same quality as pre-assembled furniture? It depends on the company you order from, but in most cases the only difference lies in the fact that you will be assembling the furniture yourself rather than relying on the factory to do it for you. This can save you hundreds of dollars on a dining room set, which takes only a few hours to assemble. In most cases, the only tools you may need are included with the furniture.
RTA furniture is generally made of the same high grade wood and other materials as its pre-assembled counterparts. When assembled, the joints meet as cleanly and the hardware is just as strong and attractive. In fact, the trend toward RTA home furnishings has contributed to even more attention to detail.
When you order RTA furniture, it is shipped “knocked down,” or packed flat with all of the pieces and hardware included in a flat shipping box. This greatly reduces the cost of shipping and allows you to save even more money. If you live in an apartment or move frequently, you can simply disassemble your furniture and repack it for easy transport to your next home.
The styles available in RTA furniture are more contemporary and up-to-date than what you may find in some traditional showrooms as well. Because manufacturers of RTA furnishings know that most purchasers tend to be younger, they respond by designing and making furniture that fits the latest home decorating trends, steering clear of the furniture you would see in your grandparent’s formal rooms. Which leads us to one more advantage of RTA furniture – since you’ve spent less, you can change your décor more often – and you ca be sure there will be lots of gorgeous new RTA styles waiting for you!
Ticket Buying Advice
Have you ever had a bad ticket experience when purchasing events to a show? Whether it’s through primary sources such as ticketmaster, or secondary sources that compromise various ticket brokers and street sellers, problems can arise. So here are a few tips to help ease the pain and frustration.
Since ticketmaster is the original source for most events, problems are minimal. When purchasing tickets through ticketmaster make sure that you have your credit card, and all of it’s billing address info ready. Ticketmaster is simple to use but because it runs on timers, you can sometimes lose your tickets if too much time is taken entering information! This is very important especially when the event has just gone onsale and 1 million other fans are trying to buy the same event.
When buying through ticketbrokers, the buying experience can be a little more trivial, but with companies like worries can be virtually eliminated. Here is a list of things to look for when purchasing through ticketbrokers:
1. Make sure that the company has been in business for at least 2 years.
2. Check to see if they are a member in goodstanding with the Better Business Bureau or the National Association of Ticketbrokers.
3. Make sure they have a physical office with an 800# where a live agent can be reached.
4. See what ticket guarantees they offer to insure your ticket purchase.
When buying from street sellers, be careful!!! Most street sellers are simply trying to hustle a fast buck. They basically try to buy low from people with extra tickets and then resell them at a profit. They may also be ticket brokers that are selling any extra tickets that did not previously sell. Worst of all there are the theives. These little rats are basically selling fake tickets to unsuspecting fans! Here are a couple of tips when buying tickets on the street:
1. Look at the tickets front and back, making sure their is print on both sides.
2. Make sure that there is some slight sheen appearence and feel to the tickets.
3. Check to make sure that all the info on the ticket is correct, such as Date, Time, and consecutive seat #’s.
4. Have the ticket seller walk with you to the gate entrace and verify ticket authenticity.
If you have any questions regarding a ticket purchase or need an opinion about buying tickets, feel free to contact our office.
Gary Ketchum
Increasing a Homes value and Adding Curb Appeal
Increase the curb appeal of your home for a faster sale. Many buyers will stay in your home longer if it's staged appropriately tips to increase the curb appeal of your home. The exterior of your home, in conjunction with the landscaping, has the ability to make or break the first appearance. In other words, the exterior of your home is the first impression that buyers have in many cases and they will drive on to the next house on the list if the exterior is not appealing. In real estate, first impressions sell houses. The good news is that there are many things you can do to increase curb appeal without breaking the budget. Depending on the season, there are also many touches outside which will increase the curb appeal of your home and make more potential buyers want to see the inside.
Here are a few tips to increase the curb appeal of your home. You can address your home's curb appeal by paying attention to the windows and doors so that they appear to compliment one another and work with the other textures and colors of the house exterior and the landscaping. Attractive landscaping elements, such as shrubs, trees, and flowers, can do a great deal to increase the curb appeal of your home. Properly choosing plants and trees can increase the curb appeal of your home while adding protection and efficiency. Flowers instantly increase the curb appeal of your home. Flowers are one of the easiest and least expensive ways to make the front of your house look inviting and instantly increase the curb appeal of your home. mow the lawn and edge the grassy areas adjoining walkways keep the yard free of all debris, litter and toys make sure that all exterior doors and openings have been properly cleaned and painted paint and trim exterior wood surfaces, particularly on the front elevations make sure that all automobiles and recreational vehicles are kept out of sight make certain that all garage doors are closed. Remove dead branches from trees, move lawn tools and outdoor furniture in poor condition to the garage, and neatly store kids' toys. As for more expensive home staging techniques, consider painting your house indoors in more neutral colors and remove any busy wallpaper.
But another option that’s often overlooked is the garage door. Take a look at the message your garage door is sending. Studies show that replacing your garage door can increase the value of your home your home by as much as 4%. And even lower end doors that enhance the overall appearance will increase the value of the home by more than the cost of the door.
Increase the curb appeal of your home by ensuring the paint condition is good, paying extra attention to the front door and trim. Whether you paint, refinish, or replace the door, freshening up the entrance is sure to enhance your home's curb appeal. The style and additions you choose for your front door can affect your family's safety, as well as the amount you pay in heating and cooling bills. New stock doors give you dozens of options, while a custom door is often the focal point of the property. New doors range in price from about $100 for a steel door off the rack at the home improvement store to a custom designed wood door, which can cost thousands. And, even lower end doors that enhance the overall appearance will increase the value of the home by more than the cost of the door. The most popular materials for front door remodeling are wood, fiberglass, and steel. Wood Doors A classic choice, wood doors are sturdy and beautiful. Fiberglass Doors These doors area popular option because they combine the durability of wood with the ability to withstand extreme temperatures, all at a lower price than wood doors. Depending on your home's exterior finishing, you might consider painting the door a color that complements the color of the trim, rather than matching it. You can also freshen up the entrance by polishing or replacing the hardware on the door. Door handle sets alone can run into the hundreds of dollars, but offer a high-quality finishing touch to your renovation project. If the doorknob, lock, and kick plate are shabby, buy new ones. Your front door should enhance the existing elements, not compete with them. The same rule applies for light fixtures, house numbers, and doorbells.
If you would like to increase the curb appeal of your home, you should consider replacing an existing window in your home with a bay or bow window. A bay or bow window helps you bring light into a room and expand a view. When considering whether to use either a Bay or Bow window, a "Bay" with it's three sides is more traditional. Make sure to prune plants that are blocking the house from sight and blocking light from entering windows. And never underestimate the appeal of sparkling clean windows. Best to open windows when possible for that fresh, outdoorsy smell.
As the hot real estate boom is starting to slow down you can still make your home stand out among the others for a faster sale. Curb appeal is key and could make a difference in whether people stop and take a flyer, or drive right by. Curb appeal projects are always a good choice and the least expensive.
December 15, 2008
Chandelier Basics. Versatile Elegance With A Variety Of Applications
One of my favorite topics is the chandelier because of its history as a method of lighting that was used before the sixteenth century. The earliest chandeliers were very basic, almost primitive devices that involved two pieces of wood connected together to form a cross. A spike was inserted at each end to hold the candles and a rope or chain was connected to the crosspiece and then suspended from the ceiling. As a former antique dealer, I’ve found that nearly all of the earliest chandeliers were destroyed and very few authentic examples remain in existence today.
The chandelier found its resurgence in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and was found in the great palaces of Europe and America. They soon began to find their way into some of the more expensive mansions and private homes in this country and abroad and have been around ever since.
The industrial revolution provided the impetus for mass production of this once exclusive lighting fixture and today, chandeliers can be found in many homes and in any number of rooms in these homes. One of the major appeals of the chandelier is the drama it creates. It automatically lends character and a somewhat regal atmosphere to an otherwise plain room.
One of the major appealing characteristics of today’s chandeliers, are their versatility. A kitchen can be transformed into a high-class dining area with the addition of the right chandelier. A large bathroom can be given an air of elegance with the installation of a chandelier. Some homeowners will even use a chandelier in the master bedroom to give it that special feeling.
Chandeliers are available in all kinds of styles, shapes and can be made from a variety of materials. Although the most common type of chandelier is made of crystal, faux candles and other types of lighting is also available. One of the best ways to find the style and size chandelier that will best complement your décor, is to go online and look at what’s available.
Keep in mind that the chandelier usually draws the immediate attention of a visitor so it should fit the basic décor of your home. Proper sizing is critical. A chandelier that is too large for the space it occupies will overpower the room and may even lend a sense of claustrophobia to the visitor. On the other hand, a chandelier that is too small for the room just looks out of place regardless of its style.
Although most chandeliers can easily light an entire room, the result can often be a harsh or raw look. Many decorators prefer matching wall sconces and have both the chandelier and the sconces on dimmers so that just the right balance of light can be achieved.
Always keep in mind that chandelier and elegance go together conceptually. In fact, many consider a chandelier to be a piece of art.
Here are some practical considerations to keep in mind when looking for and eventually installing a chandelier. Sketch the room and include dimensions. Consider the size of any prospective chandelier in terms of the ratio of its size to the room where it will be installed. Some individuals fall in love with a particular chandelier, purchase and install it and find that it just doesn’t “work”. This is usually the result of improper sizing.
If you intend to hang the chandelier yourself, it’s important that you keep some important considerations in mind. Most chandeliers are much heavier than the light fixture that they are replacing. A typical light fixture is installed in an electrical box that is anchored on one side to a ceiling joist. This usually provides sufficient support for the fixture.
The chandelier, on the other hand, usually requires much greater support. One option is to remove the existing fixture and the electrical box. Then, install a fan brace that is expandable so that it will fit tightly between two ceiling joists. Fan braces are most typically used to install heavy ceiling fans. Once the brace is expanded to fit tightly between the joists, attach it according to the instructions it came with and then bolt a new electrical box to the center of the brace. The brace, supported by the two ceiling joists, will support considerable weight (up to 150 or more pounds). Attach the chandelier to the new electrical box and you’re ready to see the results.
Also, keep in mind that this is not a one-person job.
The chandelier or chandeliers that you install in your home can change the look and the feel of the rooms where they are installed and in fact can provide a new feel of elegance to the entire home.
10 Tips for Selecting a Domestic Cleaning Company
1. Looking for a domestic cleaner? the best place to find a local domestic cleaning company is either through your local press or online. I recommend doing a search online as this way you can find further infomation on the company by clicking through to their websites. Try websites such as Gumtree, Adzooks, or Google - if using Google make sure you stipulate your search area within the search box.
2. Don't just rely on a web form for any enquiries you may have. Give them a call. By speaking to an actual employee of the business you can get a feel of who you are dealing with.
3. Always ask how quickly they can find you a cleaner. 24 - 48hrs should be the minimum length of time it takes to find you a cleaner. Any longer than this and I recommend you give them a wide berth. Why? Well in case of emergencies i.e. your cleaner is offsick, you need to know that they will be able to find you a replacement in the shortest time possible.
4. Find out what their vetting procedure is. A good domestic cleaning company should be able to provide references for each of their cleaners. If they also provide police background checks this is an added bonus.
5. Find out if their cleaning staff are regularly trained. A common misconception made by some cleaning companies is that anyone can clean, this is far from the truth. Cleaning staff need to be trained in the little things - i.e. buffing taps to a shine, removing marks from walls, cleaning switches etc. The little things really do matter.
6. Ask if they provide their own cleaning materials. If you are going to use a domestic cleaning company you may as well pick one that also provides cleaning materials. This means you do not have to worry about having the correct materials for the tasks at hand. This is also a more cost effective solution as you do not have to fork out extra to pay for cleaning products.
7. Make sure they are ensured for both Public and Employers Liability.
8. Find out if they have a contract which you need to sign. Read each clause carefully. Some companies will not pay for loss of keys nor damage to your property so be aware.
9. How do they maintain standards? Check to see if the have a system of checking that the work provided by your cleaner is of a high standard.
10. Try and get some sort of service level guarantees from the company you pick. For example if you are not happy with the work provided do they come back and redo the work for free or offer some kind of discount. Generally companies that offer this type of guarantees tend to be more customer focused.
There you have it! Top ten tips to help you pick a domestic cleaning company you can trust.
Visit for further information on Kleen Point.
How To Make Your Refrigerator More Efficient
Most people don't realize how much electricity a refrigerator uses. Unlike most household appliances, a refrigerator is working hard all the time. It is a heat pump, pumping heat out of the freezer, and using a fan to cool off the refrigerator unit. So, if you want to save money on your utility bill, you should make sure that your refrigerator is running at top efficiency.
The more efficient your refrigerator is, the less energy it will use. And that, of course, saves you money. Sometimes, the best way to make an old refrigerator more efficient is to simply get rid of it, and replace it with an Energy Star compliant new model. The savings on your electric bill can be substantial. Additionally, features such as automatic defrosting consume electricity as well. Modern designs are more energy efficient, and so replacing an old refrigerator almost always makes a great deal of sense.
Of course, whether your refrigerator is new or old, there are always other things that you can do to improve its efficiency. Is your freezer full? It should be. A full freezer is easier to keep cold. Filling milk jugs with tap water about two thirds the way up will eventually provide a nice block of ice that will help keep your freezer cold with minimal use of energy. And, in case of a black out, the jugs of frozen water will help keep other things in the freezer cold longer. Best of all, in case of a severe emergency -- think hurricane season -- the jugs of water can be thawed out and used. Remember, when you fill up those jugs to put in the freezer, don't fill them all the way to the top. Water expands when it freezes. Two thirds full should be just fine.
Speaking of water, open water evaporates and condenses in a refrigerator. This makes the refrigerator work harder, and also tends to drip little annoying drops of water on your hands whenever you reach for something on the top shelf. So, if you put something wet into the fridge, make sure it is covered.
Another handy method of making your refrigerator more efficient is to use the "energy saver" setting on your refrigerator's controls. The controls can be found on the inside of the refrigerator unit, often on the refrigerator's "ceiling." Try different settings, and be sure to use a refrigerator thermometer to make sure the settings keep your food cold, between 35 and 37 degrees fahrenheit, or around 2 degrees celsius. While you're at it, get a freezer thermometer as well. The freezer should be around 0 degrees fahrenheit, -18 celsius. Check both thermometers regularly, particularly during the summer.
When opening the doors to your refrigerator and freezer, make sure you've already got a pretty good idea what you're looking for. Keeping the door open while you "take inventory" is a bad habit that you should try to break. Know what's in your refrigerator, and where it's located. Refrigerator and freezer doors are kept closed with magnetic strips. The magnetic strips are embedded in a rubber seal around the door. Keep the seals clean. Debris on the seal can let air in and out, compromising the air tightness and making the refrigerator work harder.
You can test for good seals by slipping a dollar bill in between the door and the fridge. Close the door, and try to take the dollar bill out. If it's easy to remove, your seals need cleaning. After cleaning, try using silicone spray to revitalize the old rubber on the seals. If this doesn't improve things, you might want to see if you can get the seals replaced. You can order replacement refrigerator seals online, or by phone, from your refrigerator's manufacturer.
Bob Vila recommends that you put replacement seals in the clothes dryer for a few minutes to warm them. Warming, he says, removes the crimps that come from being packed in the shipping box. And while your keeping the door clean, be sure to vacuum around the coils. The refrigerator coils are usually either on the back of the unit, or on the bottom of it. The coils are essential working parts of your refrigerator -- they are how the refrigerator dissipates the heat that it is pumping out of the interior. Dirty coils don't dissipate heat well, because the dirt acts like an insulator. Clean coils do what they're supposed to do -- dissipate heat at maximum efficiency.
These simple maintenance tips should make your refrigerator live a healthy, energy efficient life. And you'll notice the difference on your utility bill.
The True Splendor Of Wood In Interior Decorating
We love wood – all kinds of wood from pine and oak to cherry and mahogany. We use it as wall paneling, make furniture and home accessories from it and even use it as cove and crown molding to finish off the rooms in our homes. It is probably near to impossible to enter any home in the USA and not find wood somewhere.
Wood has a special presence and unique charm all its own and it lends an air of permanence and character to a home. If it is made well, it will be around many lifetimes and because of this, many homeowners use it in their house decor plans and decide on investment pieces of furniture that can be passed onto children and grandchildren.
One of the nice things about quality wood is that it can be country style in design; made from oak and suitable for the cottage or country retreat. It can be made from Danish teak; with a minimalist look and feel. Or it can be traditional; built from flamed tiger oak and used in a grand foyer.
Another important point about quality wood – unlike anything else in your house, it only gets better with age. For example, wood floors look better with scrapes and marks that give it an authentic appeal, and are reminiscent of time spent with your family. Solid wood furniture takes on a rich patina with time, which glows quietly and emits a subtle sense of ageless pride.
More recently, North Americans have once again fallen for with the historical craft of wood carving and skilled carvers and artists are once again busy creating one of a kind wood mantels and artful crown molding. The old fireplace wall and drab wood paneling that used to be made of inferior quality pressboard are now being created in tongue and groove panels made of solid mahogany, maple and cherry woods. Each of these examples is a great way to spend your decorating budget that will raise the value of your home, provide unparalleled grace and elegance to last a lifetime.
It really makes no difference whether your house is brand new or 80 years old; formal and conservative or modern contemporary. Wood works in all types of homes and is durable for even the busiest household.
One of the attractive aspects about decorating with real wood is how well it blends with the rest of your home – carpet, curtains, accessories and wall color. There are so many choices in wood stains these days that you can literally match your home’s wood to any color or design scheme.
Without question, nothing beats natural wood in your home’s interior decorating if you are after genuine warmth, unique character, grace and permanence. Carved wood crown moldings from a time gone by still exist in stately homes all across the United States. Georgian dressers and hall trees can still be located in antique stores everywhere. Imagine buying a solid wood fireplace mantel today and have it end up in your grandson’s living room one day.
Wood never goes out of style – making it an ideal way to inject quality and charm in your home’s decor.
December 12, 2008
Redecorating Your Apartment? Do It Up Perfectly On The First Try
Redesigning the interior décor of a family home is such a great and rewarding adventure. However, it can also be aggravating if you are working on a limited budget and don’t plan every last detail. Of course, no one can tell you what decorating style will work best in your home – only you know that with certainty. What we can say with certainty is that there are several surefire tips that will help you make the most of your interior design budget, and get it right the first time around.
De-clutter Your Home – Clutter means mess and no place can be peaceful and restful with chaos everywhere. Before you start your interior design project, de-clutter your home. It allows you to start with a clean slate. It also means you have a good idea of what you what you need to purchase for your new design scheme; what you want to keep and what you need to get rid of. It is a very educational task!
Learn to Thrift Shop – Whether it is yard sales or church bazaars; a second hand store or a local retailer – sales and discounts are everywhere if you just keep your eyes open and your pocketbook closes! Home décor planning does not mean that everything you buy has to be new.
Don’t Forget ‘Cozy’ – It goes without saying, we all want the home that is on the cover of this month’s home and garden magazine but will it work for your family? More times than not, the answer is no. The expertly staged rooms you see on the glossy pages of magazines are beautiful to look at but in the real world, not comfortable and homey. Yes, it is necessary to inject a sense of style to your interior design, but more importantly you want comfort and coziness.
Give Eclectic a Try – It doesn’t always have to match and very often a space that is too perfectly matched falls way short on originality and character. Don’t be afraid to mix and match patterns. For example, plaids, florals and stripes actually go really well together if you keep the color palette and style in check. Add an upholstered ottoman in a different color or create a focal wall that is filled with your favorite art.
Don’t Be Afraid of Color – A bold color on one wall or on a piece of well placed furniture can give a room a whole new look and feel. Don’t be afraid to experiment with color – after all, if you hate it, just repaint it! Spaces that are painted all white are austere, cold and boring. Color can also be used in your furniture fabric, throw rugs, toss cushions and drapery panels. Use your imagination and make color your friend – your home and your family will praise you for it.
Get Rid of the 50” Television Eyesore – The big black box of death when it comes to interior design – there is no quicker way to spoil the look and feel of a room than to set a huge projection TV down in the corner of the room. If you must have a large screen TV, replace it with plasma or LCD TV that can be inconspicuously and elegantly placed on a wall.
Don’t Forget About Your Family – Of course you are redecorating for you but don’t forget about the other occupants in the house! If you have kids aged 5 or younger, a white sofa hardly seems practical no matter how fantastic you think it will look. If you have older teens in your house, look for fabrics such as rayon and chenille that are stain resistant and durable. If you have animals, look for hard wood or laminate floors instead of carpet that will collect and trap your pet’s hair and dander.
Survey Of Energy Efficient Building Methods
When we talk about energy efficiency, we first have to understand some basic definitions Energy efficiency of building materials is determined by how it handles heat, how heat transfers through materials and how well materials hold or store heat. Remember, heat always moves from warm to cold, so during the summer, if the outside temperature is warmer than the inside temperature of a home, heat transfers through the walls from the outside in. Conversely during winter, if the inside air temperature is warmer than the outside, heat transfers from inside the home out.
Clear Wall R-Values
Clear-wall R-Value calculations do not take into consideration the effects of additional construction like windows, doors, exterior wall corners and how the roof joins the walls. When factored in, R-Values typically drop from those stated as Clear-wall R-Values. Clear-wall R-Values and their thermal performance are determined by testing a solid wall (complete with its insulation system), usually a section 8 ft. x 8 ft., with no openings for doors and windows.
Whole Wall R-Values
Clearly more accurate is the Whole-wall R-Value rating system. In this system, not only is the thermal performance of the wall tested, so is the typical envelope interface details. These include wall-to-wall corners, wall-to-roof, wall-to-floor, wall-to-doors and wall-to-window connections. Why include these details? Because energy efficiency is lost at these points of construction and including these elements provides a more accurate R-Value rating system. (Although taking the time to tape these joints during the construction helps reduce some of hte heat loss significantly.)
Thermal Mass
To add to the confusion we have to consider thermal mass, perhaps the most confusing energy issue facing engineers, contractors and homebuyers today. Thermal mass ratings are determined by measuring the building materials/wall unit energy efficiency in conjunction with other layers of materials attached to the wall, i.e.; particle boards, drywall, stucco. The measurement of the energy performance of a "stated R-value" material, combined with the layering of other materials to enhance the energy value, is often referred to as "mass-enhanced R-value." There are a number of combinations of materials used in construction and their thermal mass and R-value efficiencies vary depending on how they are used in the region of the country (climate considerations). How efficient a system is and how much energy consumption is reduced depends on how fast heat transfers through materials, how well materials hold the heat and the fluctuation of outside temperature. Attention to details like the windows you select, like low e-thermal, dual pane windows that are tinted, is just as important as the R-value in the walls. In fact, much heat loss or gain, up to 48%, is through windows, not walls!
Additionally, according to the US Department of Energy, for energy efficiency, your home should be properly insulated from the roof down to its foundation. This includes the following areas:
Attic spaces
Attic access doors to unfinished attics
Knee walls in finished attics
Ducts in unconditioned spaces
Cathedral ceilings
Exterior walls
Floors above unheated garages
Crawl spaces
Slab-on-grade floors.
Let us look at some of the current choices in construction of today ...
Block Masonry and Poured-Concrete for residential construction There are numerous insulation methods and new insulated block systems on the market with varying R-values. Standard 8" hollow block's R-value is 1.75, which by itself, is not enough R-value to achieve energy efficiency. The addition of outside insulation, integral insulation or interior insulation can be added to standard block to make it very energy efficient. There are several ways to incorporate foam insulation—such as polystyrene, polyisocyanurate or polyiso, and polyurethane—into concrete blocks. The hollow cores of concrete blocks can be filled by pouring and/or injecting loose foam beads or liquid foam. Some manufacturers make concrete blocks that accommodate rigid foam inserts.
Stud Wall Construction using wood or metal studs ... The exterior wall constitutes a large part of the total insulated package. In exterior walls, a 2x6 wall offers upto 5.5" of insulation. With the use of 2x6 studs spaced a 24" c/c , not only is the depth of the wall cavity increased but the width of the cavity is also increased. Studs conduct more heat than the insulation since it extends through the wall cavity and has a smaller R-value. So, in 2x6 construction there are fewer studs in the exterior wall and less heat is conducted through the wall. The following website has a good table describing R-Values of various stud-construction methods
Insulating Concrete Form (ICF) Construction ICF uses reinforced concrete as structure and where insulation does double duty also as permanent stay-in-place formwork for concrete during placement is a very attractive choice for walls of energy efficient buildings. The insulating material, typically expanded polystyrene (EPS) affords a variety of state-of-the-art exterior finishes, such as siding, brick, cultured stone, stucco, and so on. Constructed from expanded polystyrene and stacked like building blocks to form the exterior walls of a home, the forms are reinforced with steel and filled with concrete. The forms interlock and fasten one to the other to provide seamless "foundation to rafter" fully insulated, reinforced concrete walls. Window and door openings of any size are possible. Because of the triple insulative nature of these forms, ICFs are extremely energy efficient. The R-value of the insulation, coupled with the thermal mass of the concrete, and the elimination of air leakage, makes for an R-40 energy rating or higher.
Structural Insulated Panels (SIP) SIPsconsist of two outer skins and an inner insulation core. Most structural panels today use either plywood or oriented strand board (OSB) as skins. OSB is most commoly used because it is available in large size upto 12 ft by 36 ft. Expanded polystyrene (EPS) is the most commonly used insulation core material. Extruded polystyrene (XPS) commonly known as styrofoam, polyurethane foam and isocyanurate are also used as the inner core but predominantly EPS is the used as the inner core. As you can see in the table below, EPS has an R-value of 5.00 per inch. Many SIP manufacturers allow you to select the thickness of the panels for your home ranging from 4" to 12". SIPs are becoming increasingly common in modular home building as they have shown extreme energy efficiency, are much stronger than wood-framed homes and the outer envelope can often be constructed in under one week! If you are a contractor or engineer who wants more information about SIP's see Some manufacturers choose to use polyurethane and isocyanurate as the insulating material. Aged polyurethane and isocyanurate SIPs have a nominal R-value of around R-6 to R-7 per inch (2.5 cm) of thickness. Polyurethane/isocyanurate panels, although more expensive, are more fire and water vapor-diffusion resistant than EPS, and insulates some 30% to 40% better than EPS or XPS, per given thickness.
Precast Concrete Wall Construction ... Precast concrete walls use use high-strength concrete, typically 5,000 psi with reinforcing steel and fibers. Priced in the $55 - $65 range per linear foot of wall, precast systems are competitive with other foundation walls, particularly when costs are examined as an assembly that includes footings and sub-slab drainage. The precast concrete walls have full-length insulation built in to increase energy efficiency. They are smart, with convenient features like built-in accesses for wiring and treated wood nailers for drywall. The walls have a built in footing to be placed on a base of stone. The average R-Rating I found doing a search was about 12.5.
Overall, there are a lot of choices you have to make...Do you want to spend more money at the front end to make an energy efficient home, or foot the increasing power bills. Many of the new construction methods dramatically improve the speed at which homes can be built. Discuss these options with your contractor and or engineer to find out what is best for your specific purpose and area where you live.
At the following website, you will find a table of the typical R-Values for construction materials.
Go Ahead And Install A Swimming Pool
Choosing, financing, purchasing and maintaining a swimming pool can turn out to be a Herculean task if you do not know which dealer to work with. In the market you will find lots of swimming pool dealers operating and the difficult part is when you find almost all of them claiming to be genuine dealers and offering you the best prices for installing the swimming pool at your place. Installing a swimming pool is not something that can be done at a go, one need to undertake careful thinking and planning for the whole thing. First you have to be convinced that you must install a swimming pool will be immensely beneficial to you in the long run, if you have the money to buy the pool and most important do you know about a good dealer who will help you in this? You have to think about many things.
Blue world pools is one of the most reputed swimming pool dealers operating in America and if you are working with them, be assured that you will get quality swimming pools installed. Often it has been seen that pool dealers quote one amount when they are marketing for the pool and once someone decides to buy it they have to deal with many other hidden costs. This is really annoying and many people at the end decide not to buy the swimming pool, just because the hidden cost keeps on getting higher and higher. In today’s context installing a swimming pool is no longer a luxury that one can indulge in; rather it has become more of necessity. So probably you are serious about installing a swimming pool, but have not yet come across a dealer that offers you the best. Blue World Pools is the answer to this.
Money can be one constrain that can sometimes push back a person from buying a swimming pool and installing at their home. Now if you have finally decided to install a swimming pool at your place, there is no point in delaying this. Yes, money can be a hindrance, but this can be taken care of easily. There are several swimming pool dealers and Blue World Pools is one of them, that offer finance facility to customers who are short on money to install the swimming pool, and Blue World Pool is one such swimming pool dealer. The whole process of getting the loan sanctioned is pretty easy and all that customers have to do is submit some documents as proof of certain things.
Some of the documents that clients will have to submit to a Blue World Pools dealer are proof of ownership of the house where the swimming pool will be installed and proof of income of the person who is seeking the loan. Once these documents are submitted the processing for the loan amount begins and one can get the required money within no time. This loan falls under the category of home improvement loans, and one can repay this easily as the repayment options are also simple. So if money was the only issue that was holding you back from installing the aboveground swimming pool at your house, then you can go right ahead and get it installed.
Stop Wasting Money On Higher Cooling Bills!
If you could put more money in your pocket, this summer, would you? Well, you can, by lowering your cooling bill. Chances are, it's higher than it needs to be. You'll be surprised at what you can save. No sacrifice required. Check out these quick and easy maintenance tips that can put you on your way to lower bills in no time.
Quick Facts About Your Central AC
Your central air conditioning (AC) system circulates cool air through your house through supply and return ducts (often the same ducts used for heat in the winter). A typical central AC system has an evaporator, condenser and compressor in a single cabinet located outside the house (usually on a concrete slab right next to it), or alternately, a condenser and compressor outside and an evaporator in a separate cabinet, inside (usually in the basement or crawl space). Both systems have a blower that forces indoor air through the coil of the evaporator where it's cooled, dehumidified, and sent through the ductwork into the house. The heat collected by the evaporator is transferred to the condenser (outside) to dissipate.
Change the Air Filter
This is the most important thing you can do to help keep your system working at peak efficiency. The air moving across the evaporator is cleaned before it gets there by a filter located in the return air duct (usually within easy reach in a wall or ceiling, or at the air conditioner itself). Filters get dirty and clogged through regular use; the dirtier they get, the less air gets through the system. The dirty air that gets through is carried right to the evaporator. Dirt sticking to the evaporator coil further impedes air flow, reduces the evaporator's ability to absorb heat and can reduce your system's efficiency by as much as 10 percent. Not to mention, that dirty air is circulated right back through your house.
Air filters are made by a number of manufacturers and come in a variety of types and efficiencies.
* Most residential systems use 1-inch or 2-inch flat or pleated fiberglass "throwaway" filters (thicker filters may hold more dust but are not necessarily more efficient).
* There are also "permanent" type filters: mesh, electrostatic and electronic, some with pre-filters that collect larger dust particles.
* If you or a family member suffers with allergies or sensitivity to dust or other particulates (i.e., tobacco smoke, pollen or pet dander), consider using a High Efficiency Particulate Air Filter, also known as a HEPA filter. These are specially constructed filters that allow a high volume of air to pass through them while stopping even very tiny particles.
* If you have any question about the right filter for your system, don't guess; check with a professional service technician.
Whatever type of air filter you use, inspect it and either clean it or replace it about once a month during peak cooling season or more often if you're living in dusty conditions or with pets. Never run your system without the filter in place.
Clean Evaporator Coils and Fins
Even if you regularly change your air filter, dirt will still accumulate on the evaporator over time. Check your evaporator coils at least once a year and clean them if necessary, using a vacuum cleaner with brush attachment, careful not to bend the fins.
Clean Condenser Coils and Fins
Condenser coils and fins (outside) are also vulnerable to dirt - from debris and leaves falling from trees, cut grass kicked up by the lawnmower, and lint from a nearby dryer vent - so, check the condenser unit at the beginning of the cooling season. Cut the power to the unit and use the following checklist:
* Gently remove any debris from top and sides.
* Sweep the concrete pad.
* Prune back any overhanging leaves (2 feet is the minimum recommended clearance; 5 feet overhead).
* Use a soft brush to sweep the fins.
* (Optional) Spray the fins with a gentle household cleaner; let it sit for 5 minutes, then gently hose them down pointing the spray into the interior through the fan opening.
* Keep the unit free of dirt and debris throughout the season.
* If you can shade your unit (without blocking airflow), even better: the shaded air around your system will be cooler, and a properly shaded system can operate up to 10 percent more efficiently over the course of the season.
Keeping your evaporator and condenser coils free of dirt and debris can improve your system's performance by as much as 10 percent. Just be careful with those fins. They're a little fragile and easily bent. It's best to use a special tool called a fin comb to straighten them. Those are available through your local home center or online. Be sure to buy the correct comb for the number of fins per inch your unit has.
Other Simple Steps to Savings
* Anything that obstructs the flow of air through your system reduces its efficiency and drives up your bill -- keep your registers clear of furniture, drapes and other obstructions.
* Keep all exterior doors and windows closed when operating the system.
* Raise your temperature setting. Raising the setting even 1 degree can lower your bill by as much as 9 percent over the course of the season.
* Keep your system set on "AUTO" and let your thermostat do its job. If you find you need to run the fan constantly to keep cool, it's time to call a technician.
* Set your system to recirculate the indoor air (if you have the option) rather than drawing outside air. Conditioning the warmer outside air takes far more energy than simply recirculating the already conditioned household air.
* A little money spent could equal a lot of money saved: have a qualified service technician check your system at least once a year. The technician will measure your refrigerant to see if it needs recharging, inspect your coils, measure air flow over the cooling coil, and will do a thorough inspection of the motor, compressor, air handler, and ducts (and of course, the air filter). The technician can spot potentially costly problems early or help you avoid them entirely.
For Owners of Older Houses
If you're still using a central air conditioning system manufactured during the 1970s, you're likely using 30-50 percent more energy than a more recently manufactured unit would use. Even if your unit is only ten years old, replacing it with a new, more efficient unit can save you 20-40 percent in cooling costs. Over the life of the unit, that's considerable savings, especially with energy costs continuing to rise.
Sewing Tables – They Are A Must Have For Anyone Who Likes To Sew
Do you like to sew? If the answer is yes, then the next question that you have to ask yourself is do you like the space that you work in? Sure, sometimes it might be nice to sit at the dining room table and hem up a dress with your family around because they can be nice to talk to. However, there are still those times when it would probably be nice to not have all the distraction. That is why you need to look into fabulous sewing tables and one would be a great addition for your home if you like to sew.
Sewing tables are very practical and provide a lovely area that makes it easy for you to work on different sewing projects. What makes them so practical are the many different features that they can have. Some features include a wonderfully spacious table top where you can lay out and cut patterns out of different fabrics and large drawers so you can store different sewing items that you might have like thread and other tools. And, these are not the only features that these home furnishings have because some will come with additional table top space that can be folded up or down depending upon how much area you need to get the job done. Some can even come with the option of wheels, so if you cannot designate an entire room in your home for sewing, not a problem because you can easily move it around in and out of storage when you need to use it. Plus, another great thing about the wheels is that it lets you transport it from room to room without much effort. So, like before when you needed to get away from all the distraction in the dining or living room, you can easily do it just by wheeling it into your bedroom. It is that simple.
When searching for your sewing table, it is important to keep in mind how you work and what kind of features you will need when doing that work. Like, if you need a space to put your sewing machine, then it is probably a good idea to go with one that is a little bit larger so your entire working space is not taken up by the machine. Or, if you only hand sew items, than you could go with a smaller work area. Along with your work style, it is also important to purchase something that is of high quality and is built to last because you do not want to buy something that you will end up having to replace in a few years. When looking for yours, make sure to buy something that is built out of sturdy materials (like different hardwoods), which ensures that yours will last as long as it should. To see the many available options, one quick and easy way is to go online and do some comparison shopping. Just by the click of the mouse, you will see everything that is out there without even leaving the comfort of your home.
So, if you like to sew, probably one of the best things that you could do is invest in is a fabulous sewing table for your home. It provides you with a functional work area, so you do not have to hog the dining room table every time you have a project to work on.
December 10, 2008
Mylar Holographic Lasered Foil Windsocks
Mylar Holographic Windsocks are strikingly beautiful additions to any home, garden, or business. The 51-inch mylar strips are laser printed with a prism-reflecting surface that displays a breathtaking show of rainbow colors in sunlight or moonlight. Available in a variety of colors: red, blue, purple, green, gold, silver, magenta and black, these graceful windsocks can match any color scheme. Add an elegant touch to any wedding, shower, birthday party, anniversary, or garden gathering. Place outside windows for cheerful viewing from indoors. They attract butterflies and birds to flowers and feeders. Also useful for discouraging deer and intruding animals from houses, barns and gardens, and when placed near windows, help keep birds from flying into the glass by adding a distracting reflection.
During drab winter months, Mylar Windsocks can add a splash of color to any dull garden or deck. Be creative and combine many colors for Holiday Decor: red, silver and gold are great for Christmas. Make a proud patriotic statement with red, silver and blue windsocks. Easter brings a chance for several beautiful combinations. Our new black color mixed with gold is perfect for Halloween. Display School Colors during graduation or ball games.
The Mylar Windsock is weather resistant and the color can be revitalized by simply spraying with window cleaner.
Mylar Windsocks are popular with boat owners. Decorate watercraft, docks and boathouses with a flowing waterfall of color. Marinas carry these products for their boat loving customers.
Tired of the old overused flags and balloons on your car lots or business sites? Decorate with these unusual and dramatic eye-catchers and stand out from the rest. Great for boat shows, car sales, real estate open houses, sales and promotions.
Mylar Holographic Rainbow Foil Windsocks make a great gift for any age and are lightweight and easily shipped. The full line of colors can be viewed and purchased at
See for more great Home and Garden Gift Ideas!
Feng Shui Life – Clearing Your Clutter With A Yard Sale
As you may already know, the first step to obtaining a feng shui life is to rid your home and yourself of all the stale and dead energy around you by getting rid of all the clutter. One really good way to do that is by having a yard sale. There are many great reasons for having a yard sale. Some people have yard sales before they move so they don't have to pack and ship belongings they aren't using. Sometimes they are updating the look of their home and sell their old belongings to make money and room for the new ones. Sometimes your children just grow like weeds and rapidly outgrow both their clothes and their toys. It could also simply be the desire to purge all those items you've held onto for so long, thinking you'd find a use for them but never did. No matter what your reason, having a yard sale is a relatively easy goal to achieve and requires just a few hours of preparation and a few more hours actually selling your wares. You'll reap both financial and emotional rewards from it. Getting rid of the clutter is your first step towards attaining a feng shui life.
Decide on a date for your yard sale. Visit your local liquor store for boxes or use heavy duty garbage bags to put the items for your sale into. Start by surveying the items you have. When you are going through your house, you will need to be brutally honest with yourself. If you haven't used it, don't like it, don't see yourself using it or don't know of anyone personally who could benefit from it, then it's a yard sale item. Sort through every dresser and kitchen drawer, every clothes and linen closet, every cupboard and toy box you have in your house. Don't forget your basement, attic, pantry, entertainment center, buffet and outdoor tool shed as well. Get your family involved so that if an item belongs to one of them you won’t be making the decision for them. Get their input before placing an item in your yard sale box. Regardless of the time it takes to sort through all your items, make the commitment to stick with it and remind yourself on a continual basis the monetary profit and emotional relief you'll feel once your clutter has been cleared from your home.
Once the sale is over, make another commitment to yourself not to bring the unsold items back into your home. Make arrangements with your local charity thrift store to donate the items. Most will be happy to make arrangements to pick up large donations. If you don’t have a local charity who will pick up the items just use my method and put a big “FREE” sign out at the end of the day. You will not believe how fast those items will disappear and it will save you a trip to the second hand store or from being tempted to bring the items back into the house.
Once it's all said and done, you'll have a few extra dollars in your pocket, and can breathe an emotional sigh of relief that the clutter that's been weighing you down for so long has been purged from your home. Renew your commitment to remain organized and to combat the clutter on a continual basis.
Feng Shui Life – Recycling Begins At Home
As you may already know a feng shui life begins with clearing the clutter from your home. Recycling is a great way to stay on top of your clutter and get rid of it before it bogs you down.
Every year recyclable material ends up clogging our already inundated landfills, waterways and roadsides. Many people think it is a difficult undertaking to organize a recycling center at home. However, with some creativity and commitment, it can be easily done. You'll feel better for doing your part to care for the environment too.
Find a convenient place in your home or apartment for the center. It doesn't take much room for your recyclables. The garage, a storage closet, corner of the kitchen, or under your kitchen sink all make great locations. Find and clearly label containers in which to store your recycled materials. Plastic buckets, storage containers or even trash cans work great depending on the amount of room you have available.
Get your family actively involved in the recycling process. Make sure they all are aware of what products can be recycled. Teach them the difference between the aluminum can bin and the tin can bin. While doing their weekly chores, teach them to be on the lookout for recyclable material lying around the house, and encourage them to place them in the proper storage bins.
Encourage them to come up with ideas for reducing the amount of recycled material that's consumed by your household. Take them along with you to the recycling center in your neighborhood so they can witness the process firsthand. Show them how they can reuse recyclable materials in their own organizational efforts at home. Perhaps a large cardboard box can double as a bin for all their shoes, or a coffee can be repurposed as a penny bank.
When they see the money that can be both saved and earned from recycling and reusing products, they will have developed an environmentally healthy and thrifty habit for life.